♤ Part 3: Mating Season ♤

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One Month Later:

I walk into school with Bee heading to our lockers.

I noticed that Bee has been staring at me all morning.

"What?" I asked him, curiously.

He looks away quickly.

"S-sorry I was just..........you look cute today." He said blushing uncontrollably.

I look the other way trying to hide my blush.

"T-thank you." I said still blushing.

"No problem." He said to me, his eyes never leaving me. 

I reach my locker, seeing Bri and Brian already by their lockers.

I open mine, as my iPad rings.
I see who it is.

It's the autobots.

Is the war happening already?

I'm still 15.

I answer with my headphones in my ear, Optimus appeared on the screen and looked around the hallway filled with students.

"Hello Optimas." I greeted him.

"Hello Victoria. Is Bumblebee around?" Optimus asked me.

"Yeah he's at his locker right now. You want me to go get him?" I asked him, looking at Bee talking to Brian.

"No, I need to talk to you only. You need to go where Bumblebee can't see or hear you. Also I recommend that you have your friend with you." He said to me, cautiously.

"Okay, hold on a minute." I said to him, looking at Bri.

I look at Bee on more time and see him talking to Brian with his back to me, I ran to Bri and close her locker, taking her to the janitors closet.

"What are you doing? We need to get to first period!" Bri said to me, angry.

"Sorry, Optimas has to tell us something." I said to her ,calmly.

"About what......... wait the ALIEN WAR!!" Bri shouted, alarmed. 
I clapped my hand over her mouth.

"Shh, someone will hear you." I said to her, seriously.

"Right sorry." She said whispering.

I turn my attention back to Optimas, I give Bri one of the headphones so she can hear.

"What is it? Why couldn't I tell Bee?" I asked him, concerned.

He hesitated for a minute then talks.

"Bumblebee has reached the age of matting season, and I fear that when he reaches stage 3 he will........... have his way with you." He said sadly, shaking his helm.

Me and Bri just stode there with our mouths open.

Am I thinking dirty or is he for real.

Who am I kidding, Optimus never kids around, no I'm serious, primes are to serious to do that.

"What, no, Bee would never.........he would never think of me that way." I said quietly, while blushing uncontrollably.

"Yeah right, I saw how he was staring at you when you two entered the school this morning. Vic, don't you see he wants you more than a friend." Bri said panicking, while whispering.

"I'm afraid this is true." Optimas said to me with a sigh.

"I don't understand? How?" I asked him, confused.

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