¤ Part 2 : Two Boys One Girl ¤

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I see myself running away from a con with blood all over it.

I try to take deep breaths as I ran crying out that it isn't true, It's a lie.

A picture flickered in front of me as I see Bri with a sniper rifle dead and limp on the ground.

"Nooo!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I raced towards the tall building and slammed the entrance door with a slam.

"Ahhhh!" I hear Sam scream somewhere in the building.

"Sam!" I screamed racing up the stairs.

I ran trough the double doors of the lobby to see Stinger holding Sam up by his shirt and Bee on the ground in a pool of blood.

I see Bee look at me and smiles sadly.

'Run' He mouths as his chest rises and falls.

"Vic, I'll give you a minute about your decision on who you're going to heal and go home with, while the other one dies." Stinger says with a wicked smile.

"No, I'm not ready I can't-"

"Choose or I'll kill them both and you'll be mine instead. Would you like that option better?" Stinger purred softly.

"You're sick! Vic don't listen to him run, and kill Megatron! I love you alright! Now go!" Sam yelled.

"I love you as well, my flower. Run while you still can." Bee breathed out.

I stood there unable to move.

Stinger waited impatiently.

"You know what, I've come to a decision. You never will give me a chance even if they die so if I can't have you no one can!" Stinger says laughing evilly then ran to me.

I tried to move away but I was to late, Stinger pressed his lips to mine then stabbed me in the stomach with a mischievous smile on his face.

"I love you,my chosen one." He said before everything went black.

I wake up with a start, as I fall out of the bed gasping for air.

"Vic? Are you-" I didn't get to hear what Bee was trying to say.

I ran to the bathroom and went to the sink splashing my face with water.

I look at myself in the mirror, I hand dark circles under my eyes showing that I'm having trouble with sleeping.

"It's a lie." I whispered to myself.

"It's to was just an illusion, a nightmare again." I say to myself.

"Mistress? Are you alright? I heard you scream, Master Bumblebee is worried about you." Skymark said coming in the bathroom worried.

Master Bumblebee?

"I-I'm alright ,Skymark. I'm sorry I worried you. You can go back to recharging." I said to her looking for a rubber band to tame my new long hair, which was hard to get out of my face now.

Bee emerged in the bathroom doorway looking worried about me.

"Are you okay? You wanna talk about it?" He asked me softly.

"N-no." I said to him nervously.

"If it's a girl problem mistress, you can talk to me." Skymark said holding me and towel with her little round hands.

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