¤ Chapter 28: College + Vacation ¤

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I wake up with the smell of blueberry pancakes filling my nose as I breathed in, I rolled over on the bed and came face to face to a sleeping Bumblebee.

I giggled as I kissed him, his lips formed a smile as his eyes opened.

Seems like someone was awake.

"Good morning my flower. Did you sleep well?" He asked me with a smile, brushing my face with his thumb.

"Yes, the best I've had all week." I said flopping my head back on the pillow, face first.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, but you can't go back to sleep. I didn't ask Skymark to make us breakfast for you to just go back to sleep." Bee says brushing some hair out of my eyes.

"Okay okay, I'm getting up, only because I want her pancakes." I said sitting up, stretching in the process, with a yawn.

I get out of the bed along with Bee, pulling my hair out of my face, as we left the bedroom.

We walked into the kitchen to find Skymark holding a cup of energon, drinking it while reading the newspaper.

She knows how to read?!

"Good morning Mistress, and Master Bumblebee, did you have a good sleep?" She asked us ,while I stacked a pile of blueberry pancakes on my plate.

"Oh, I slept great. How was your recharg?" I asked her sitting at the table, grabbing the milk.

"It was great ,thanks for asking." She beamed, twirling in the air.

I looked at Bee who sat beside me with a whole lot of pancakes on his plate, he grabs the fork and shoves them in his mouth.

"Really?!" I asked him laughing, holding my stomach.

"Yeah, her cooking is even better than yours." He teased with a mouthful of pancakes, as he swallowed each one.

I take a bite out of mine, my eyes widened at how delicious it was, and started to chow down.

Bee chuckled while I ate, blueberry juice running down my lips as I ate.

I finished, hiccup and licked the juice of my top lip, in the corner of my eye, I see Bee red faced looking at me as a pancake fell off of his fork.

I bursted out laughing at him, while he still stared at me red faced, slightly embarrassed that I caught him.

He suddenly grabbed my cheeks softly in both of his hands staring into my eyes, his deep blue eyes left me breathless as they always seemed to.

He started to lean in along with me, are faces flushed blue with energon. Our lips connected, sending electricity through our bodies as he kissed me deeper, licking the blueberry juice off my lip.

I blushed as his lips traveled to my cheek, the sweet kisses leading up to my ear, he bit on my earlobe making me squeal.

He jumped back with a conserned look on his face, as I rubbed my ear gently, face flushed, my heart pounding in my ears.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked me concerned, reaching out.

"No, my ears are just very sensitive." I said to him, rubbing my ear between two fingers at the place where he bit it.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Is it okay now?" He asked touching it gently, where my fingers where.

"Yes, don't worry about it. I actually kinda liked it." I said blushing uncontrollably from what I just said.

Bee smirked before hearing a knock on the door, his smile fell as he got up to answer it.

I grabbed our plates and placed them on the kitchen counter near the sink.
I walked back into the bedroom, straightening my shirt as I walked over to my laptop.

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