¤ Part 2: A Day together ¤

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I wake up with someone stroking my face, I slowly look up, seeing Bee smiling shyly.

"Hey, how you feeling?" He asks smiling, brushing my face gently, with his knuckles. 

"Better." I said sitting up, face flushed, blushing. 

"You should lay back down the nurse said that your shoulder should be better tomorrow." He said to me, laying me back down gently on the soft pillows.

"Okay, how long have you been here?" I asked him, out of curiosity.

"Uh, all night." He said blushing, smiling softly at me, letting his arm fall to his side. 

"Bee don't you need to sleep or recharge?!" I asked him worried, concerned for his health.

"No, not really we can go five days without sleep, don't worry I sleep regularly." He assured me, making me sigh relived. 

"Thanks good because I was beginning to worry about you." I said relived, closing my eyes opening them seeing how close he was to me. 

He smiles shyly, pulling some hair out of my eyes.

"I worry about you too." He said blushing, brushing my face gently, with his knuckles again. 

I turn away trying to hide myself blushing, sitting up, grabbing my other shoulder, feeling four tokens inside my chest.

"What do I have to do now? I'm still confused about everything." I said with my head sulking, I was disappointed that I worried the bot's so much, especially Bee. 

"You need to rest, I asked them if I can spend time with you, and they said yes. Also, me and the bot's are confused too, but we'll figure it out together." Bee said placing a hand on my okay shoulder.

I look around, seeing that I'm in my apartment room again, I sighed relived.

I shivered slightly remembering the needle, being bound to that  experiment bed, me being vulnerable, unable to protect myself.

But I'm not an experiment.

And the way Optimas sounded the bot's didn't know what they were doing.

They told them to do something and they did it but also did something else.

I feel a blanket wrapped around me,  I look behind me, seeing Bee sitting next to me now, with a worried expression on his face.

I'm still scared of going into experiment rooms now and I don't want to be in one ever again unless I have to.

He comes closer.

"You seem cold, I know you're afraid that they might do it again, but we won't let them. . . . . I won't let them." He said looking at me with those light blue eyes of his, while I layed my head on his shoulder.

"I know you guys won't let it happen again, I just think I'm afraid of experiment rooms now." I told him shaking, slightly, as he wraps his arms around me, holding me tight. 

"Don't worry about it, it  won't happen and you won't have to go into one, not if you don't want to." He whispers, holding me tightly, as I snuggled against his shoulder.

"Hey, you wanna watch a movie?" I asked changing the subject.

I really don't want to talk about what happened anymore.

"Yea, sure which one?" He asked me, letting me go, even though it seemed he didn't want to. 

"Avengers." I said smiling big, stretching, hearing my bones cracking in the process. 

"Best one yet." He says, walking over to the entertainment center, putting in the movie, starting it, sitting by me. He pauses the movie, turning to face me.

"Uhh, do you want something to eat because you haven't eaten in 14 hours?" He asked me, concerned.

"Oh yeah right." I said, laughing lightly, going to the kitchen. 

We go to the kitchen and get some chicken sandwiches and come back, starting to eat then start the movie.

After we finished eating we started talking about how he first came to earth, how we first meet, and the good times we had.

I can't help it, but whenever I'm around him I feel protected and loved.

We watched movies for three hours straight and didn't pay attention to them.

We just talked about each other, I was feeling different.

Is this love I'm feeling?
It has to be, but we can't until we're older I guess, I'll wait till then.

I will, I can't help it I want us to be more than friends.

I started to fall asleep, Bee must have noticed, he picks me up bridal style,  putting me in bed,  but something I didn't expect happened.

Bee also got in the bed with me and kissed my forehead, making my face heat up.

"Night Vic." Bee whispers softly in my ear, drifting to sleep.

Heat rushed to my cheeks, as his breathing depend, his breath brushing against my ear.

I soon drifted of to sleep listening to his heart beat, his arms wrapped around me, protecting me.


Guy's I was editing this again, and I just noticed how short it is, it puts me to shame. 😅

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