¤Chapter 36: Till Next Time ¤

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I looked out the window excitedly as I heard Bee chuckle at my reaction at the marvelous town in front of us.

We waited for it to get dark enough for the two of us to go out, Bee was hesitate at first, worried that Tony would pop up again.

I managed to convince him to go out, he still told me to stay next to him and not to wonder off, which I agreed to.

"Look it's the restaurant my family to us to for breakfast, and that's the hotel we stayed in our first trip here. It had tour buses to take us to an indoor water park. Oh, look, look, there's the place where we went to get funnel cake along with a few corn dogs." I giggled, as Bee laughs at my excitement.

"Don't get offended ,but your acting like a sparkling." He chuckled, tickling my side.

I stopped laughing at the thought of me and Bee having a sparkling, the illusion from the museum, it looked so real, if that was our daughter she was so beautiful.

I stared out the window in thought as I felt Bee kiss my cheek, snapping me out of my daze.

"You okay my flower? The moment I mentioned sparkling......." He trailed off as his cheeks turned a pink hue.

"I-I wasn't-"

"You've been thinking about our future too?" He asked me, as I closed my mouth.

"Maybe, sometimes in my dreams." I whispered, as I messed with my fingers.

Bee stopped at a red light, there was a lot of traffic tonight like it always is here, it's really popular at night than the morning.

"The same here, I just didn't know how to tell you. I haven't gotten to thinking about 'that' yet." He says with a chuckle.

"I only thought about it for a second, Bee. Besides we got so long before any of that." I said to him, laying down on the dashboard.

"Yeah I guess I shouldn't mention sparklings, your parents would probably kill me." He says with a nervous smile, probably thinking about my dad's warning.

"Don't worry about them, it'll be long before we do something like that, and we'd have to get married first." I said, leaning back against the leather seats.

"True." Bee says, turning into a parking lot.

"This is it, you wanna check out some stores first, our catch something to eat, I heard there's a night tour we can go on." I said excitedly, as he parked his alt mode, laughing at my reaction.

"Let's go on the tour first so we can check out the area better." He says to me, getting out of the alt mode.

I got out along with him, trying to stay calm, I didn't want to embarrass him.

Bee smiled at me before taking my hand, it was a little cold out as we walked towards the tour bus, Bee let me sit by the window, he likes sitting on the outside.

The tour guide told us about the history and how it was founded, how they decided to make this a fun place for family.

The bus drove into the city, making me marvel at the sight, it was so beautiful.

The city lights were amazing, I just couldn't look away, I felt Bee snake an arm around my waist, looking at the view as well.

Some of the tourist on the bus were talking about how old the music was on the bus, but we didn't mind, Bee and I shared earbuds, listening to our favorites songs as I tried not to hum the tune.

The tour went around back to the town, I was laying on Bee's shoulder, mouthing the words to the song as I felt Bee watch me.

I slowly closed my eyes as I listened to the music till we got back to the location, we were the second last to get off the bus, Bee showed me a picture that was taken on the bus, we were looking out the window as we could see us looking at the view.

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