¤ Chapter 8: New Memories to make ¤

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Two months later:

I walk out of training and head towards Bee's room to see if he wants to train some more with me.

I need some more lessons for shooting shotguns.

I knock on his door, no answer, I knocked again.

Still no answer, not a sound.

I shrugged, going to my room, getting dressed in the bathroom.

When I come out I noticed that some of my stuff is gone from my room.

I head to Teddy's room that's a long walk. It's buy her trainers room.
I knock on her door. She opens it and let's me in.

Her room is purple with pink highlights, I'm sure she'll grow out of it, I never liked pink in the first place.

I remember when we had a sleepover , she's the second person I told that I like Bee, she told me that she likes Wyatt ,a hacker, that's Bee, and Teddy's age and mine.

I've seen him before. He and Bee are good friends, sorta, not really.

I would wonder sometimes if we could go on a double date together, I told Teddy at the sleepover ,she said that it would be wonderful and romantic. I sit down on her bed.

"Hey you wanna have a cookie?" She asks me, holding one out to me.

"Nah, I'm good thanks though." I replied to her, doing a little wave.

"No problem." She said sitting next to me, eating a cookie.

I look at the photo of my parents and my little brother when they went to the country to see my grandmother.

I miss them so much. I text them that every day. At night and when I wake up in the morning.

"You miss them don't you?" Teddy asks me sadly.

"Yeah. I also miss my friends." I said wiping my eyes.

"Yes school is starts next month." Teddy says happily.

"Don't remind me." I said sadly.

"Hey maybe they'll send you home and Bee can go with you. You know, you, Bee together seeing each other every day." She says teasingly while giggling.

I laughed. She always finds a way to make me laugh.

But not as good as Bee.

I start to think about going home and seeing everyone, answering their questions about what it was like or if I was safe.

Which I am. I love the way I am now. I've embraced the fact that I'm . Different.

"We'll let's watch that movie we planned to watch when we're not busy." Teddy says going to the entertainment center.

"Yeah sure let's do it." I said.

We watch the movie and I took a nap. I feel someone shaking me.

I open my eyes and see Teddy.

"Sorry how long was I knocked out?" I asked her sitting up.

"An hour but don't worry. I think you should go back to your room." She said trying not to smile.

This is new. Teddy usually begs me to stay. But I respect if she needs to be alone.

I get up and head to the door.

"Okay. See you later." I said opening the door and leaving.
I walk to my room. On the way I check if Bee is in his room again.

I knock. No response.

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