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The next day I only have one class which is in the afternoon so I decide to go to the gym for a few hours. I change into my sport outfit and braid my hair so it doesn't get in the way and leave for the gym. I start with some cardio on the treadmill. The gym isn't as empty as I thought it would be. When my time on the treadmill is up I decide to do some squats, sit ups and pushups. I get a mat and lay down in front of the mirror when I see someone standing behind me in the reflection. It's Liam. "Hey there" he says smiling. He's wearing a white tank top and his biceps and abs are showing very clear. He looks stunning. "Hey, wanna join me?" I ask. "Uh, if you don't mind." I shake my head and he lays down his mat next to mine and starts doing pushups. He is incredibly good at it, of course he is. I start to do my exercise and unlike the other boys Liam isn't checking my butt out when I do the squats. He is totally concentrated in his workout. "So, how do you like college so far?" he eventually asks me. "I like college, but to be honest I don't know if law is the right thing for me" I admit. I always felt like this was what I truly wanted but now I'm here I am not so sure anymore. "Oh, everyone thinks that once in a while. If you think the same in a few months you should probably be more worried than now" he says and sits up. 

Two hours later I am sitting in my room, exhausted and showered waiting for Liam to pick me up for the next class we're in together. When he knocks at the door I tell him to come inside and he does. He's wearing a pair of black loose jeans and white sneakers, his shirt is white, too. His hair is still wet since he took a shower, too. "Ready to go?" he asks. I nod. "I was thinking, maybe I could ask Spencer out sometime" he says on our way to class. "Yeah, you should. I'm sure you two would have fun" I say laughing and he joins me. 

After two boring hours of Professor McLeens class I decide to do something fun tonight. Seriously though, is it normal I'm so bored after only two lessons of law? I don't think so. But there is no way in hell I'm dropping out of college, so I'll just have to stick with it. When I get back to my room Spencer is standing in front of the mirror putting on more makeup than she usually does. "Liam invited me to go the movies tonight, oh, I mean; to the cinema" she corrects herself. "Oh, sounds fun" I say and act like I don't know about their date. I knew Spencer wouldn't say no to Liam. Seeing her have a crush makes me miss Harry even more. I wonder what he's doing right now. I wonder if he goes out with the others or stays in. I just really hope he is okay, he seemed so distant on the phone. 

Since I am alone this evening I decide to go eat something at the diner on campus. I grab my purse and leave the room after wishing Spencer good luck on her date. The diner is jam-packed and I hardly find an empty table. I order a salad, french fries and a coke and pull out my phone out of my purse. A text from Liam. 

'Can you take care of Loki tonight? You just have to walk him and give him his food, then you can leave him alone. Pretty pretty please??' 

'Yeah, sure. Just need the keys for your room so I can pick him up. I'm at the diner right now' I answer.

A few minutes later Liam shows up at the diner and hands me the keys. "Thanks so much, Lindsay. You're the best" he says and smiles thankfully. "Oh, I know" I answer sarcastically and laugh. "Liam! Haven't seen you in a long time" a guy with short brown hair interrupts our conversation. "Oh, hey Joey. How are you doing mate?" he asks him. "Fine. Date night I guess?" he asks looking at me. "Uh, yeah. But she isn't my date. This is Lindsay, Lindsay; this is Joey. I have to go. See you around Joey. Thanks again Lindsay" he babbles before leaving. Joey gives me a smile and reaches out for my hand. "Nice to meet you" he says. "Nice to meet you, too." "Mind if I take a seat?" he asks. I shake my head. It's actually nice to have some company.

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