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A few days after my almost-kiss everything is back to normal again and we act like nothing happened, which I think is good. Joey is a good guy and I really want to be friends with him, but nothing more than that. I go to my classes everyday and stop by at the gym every few days, life isn't that exciting for me right now and to be honest I miss home. I miss Harry and I hate sleeping alone. We barely talk on the phone because he says he prefers texting. He seems so distant which scares the hell out of me. "Lindsay" Spencer interrupts my thoughts. "What do you say?" she asks and I give her a confused look. "You didn't listen, did you?" I shake my head. "I was saying that we should get some decoration for our room, it's so boring" she repeats herself. I nod. "Sounds good." "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks. "Nothing" I lie. "Let's go shopping." 

After decorating our room with posters of album covers, new bed sheets and a bunch of other stuff Spencer goes out with Liam, I think they're an item now. I don't really know. I find myself shocked about the fact how boring I became since I got here. I pull out my phone out of my pocket and dial Niall's number. "Lindsay! Wow, how are you?" "I'm okay. I miss you all so much" I admit. "We miss you, too. How is college?" "Boring, but okay" I say and get an idea. "Niall, what are you doing tonight and tomorrow?" I ask. "Uh, I don't know.. Why?" "I want to come home for the weekend!" I say full of enthusiasm but Niall doesn't seem to be too excited about my idea. "This weekend? I don't think that's a good idea." What? Is he saying he doesn't want me around? "Okay.. Well, gotta go" I quickly say before hanging up the phone and bursting out in tears. This is what I was so afraid of; losing my friends. They don't even want me around anymore. 

'Linds, con i didn't wanna hurt u. Don't be mad' the text on my phone reads.

I ignore Niall's text and decide to take a shower. When I get to the washrooms there is no one expect me, thank god. I step into the shower and shave my legs before washing my hair. Just when I'm about to rub the shampoo into my hair I feel a cold breeze and turn around. Someone opened the curtain. Not someone. A guy. A guy who is smirking and scanning me down. "Are you out of your mind?!" I scream trying to cover up the most of my body. I close the curtain and wash out the rest of the shampoo before hectically putting my clothes on and heading for my room. "Hey!" I hear someone shout. I turn around to look into the blue eyes of the tall black-haired guy who just saw me naked. I'm not gonna lie, he is attractive. But not as beautiful as Harry, I think to myself. "I'm sorry for what happened. I thought the shower was empty" he apologizes but I feel uncomfortable standing in front of him since he has seen me naked even though he wasn't supposed to. I want to say something but I can't. "I'm Cole" he says. "What's your name?" "Li..Lindsay" I stutter and he smiles. "Sorry again, Lindsay. See you around" he says before walking in the opposite direction, to his room I guess. I open the door to my room and drop my towel onto the bed when I suddenly hear a noise. I turn around to see Liam and Spencer making out on Spencer's bed. "Oh god, Lindsay! Didn't know you were in here" Liam says and sits up in bed. This evening can't get any worse. "Why don't you make out in Liam's room, he has no roommate" I snap. "We thought you were out because you were gone when we came here" Spencer states. "Well I'm not gonna go and I highly doubt that you want to make out in front of me" I say rolling my eyes. I am in such a bad mood. "Geez, Lindsay. Calm down" Spencer says and stands up. "We're leaving." "Bye" I mumble before turning my back to them. I feel so bad for being bitchy towards them but I'm just so pissed. I decide to go to bed and sleep my bad mood away. 

The next morning I wake up to someone knocking at my door. I reckon it's Spencer coming back from her night with Liam but when I turn around she's laying in her bed. For a moment I panic and think it's Cole, but he doesn't know where I live. I take a look at the clock. Almost twelve. "Who's there?" I ask. I look like a mess and I don't want anyone to see me like this. "Open the door to find out" I hear a familiar voice say. 

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