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I open the door to find Vanessa stand in front of me. "Tadaaaa!" she shouts and I hear Spencer mumble something in the back so I close the door and step outside with Vanessa. She cut her hair, it's now short and blonde and she has a nose ring. She looks stunning. "Wow, you're beautiful" I stutter and hug her. "So are you" she answers laughing. "What made you come here?" I ask. "Missed you. I have a surprise for you, so get ready and meet me at that tiny cafe, yeah?" I nod and go back inside. "Who was that?" Spencer asks me and gets out of bed. "My friend Vanessa, she came to visit me!" I tell her excited. "You can hang out with us, if you want to" I suggest but she shakes her head. "I'll stay in today." "Wild night, huh?" She laughs. I put on a pair of light-washed jeans, a grey shirt, grey converse and a necklace with a tiny heart on it. After straightening my hair I put on some eyeliner and mascara. I grab my purse and leave the room. 

When I get to the cafe I see Vanessa sitting at a huge table. I sit down in front of her. "What do you want to drink?" she asks smiling. "Just an orange juice" I tell her. Just when I'm about to ask her how she and Andy worked things out someone hugs me from behind. I squeak and turn around. Niall. I jump up and engulf him in a tight hug whilst I realize who else is standing behind him. Louis, Lucy, Emma and Zayn are here, too. Harry isn't. "That's why you didn't want me to come home yesterday!" I say and feel bad for my bitchy behavior. Niall nods. I hug the rest of them before we sit down at the table. I tell them about my life here and enjoy spending time with my best friends but it's weird without Harry. "Linds, everything okay?" Louis asks me interrupting my thoughts. I nod and give him a smile. "Is there anything fun we can do on campus?" Lucy asks me and that is when I realize I've been doing nothing but working out and going to my classes since I got here. "There's a bowling alley on campus, it's pretty cool" I hear a voice behind us say. I turn around to look into Cole's eyes. "Thanks, that sounds fun" Lucy answers and gives Cole a smile which he pays back. "See you around, Lindsay" he says before walking away. "Who was that?" Zayn asks. "Just a guy I met yesterday, he's kinda weird" I answer. "I think he's cute as hell" Lucy says and laughs. "Anyways, let's go bowling then!" 

On our way to the bowling alley I walk next to Louis and Niall whilst the others are walking a few meters in front of us. "Where is he?" I ask. They immediately know who I am talking about. "He stayed home, he is busy" Louis answers. I know he isn't busy. I can tell he is lying. "I miss him" I say. "He misses you, too" Louis says and gives Niall a helpless look. It seems like they're keeping something from me. "Guys, what's wrong?" I ask and Niall sighs. "We didn't want to tell you because we thought you'd feel bad, but.. well Harry is acting weird since you left." "What do you mean?" I ask worried. "He doesn't hang out with us anymore, he stays inside everyday and he lost a lot of weight, too" Niall reveals. "How could you keep this a secret?" I ask, now angry. "I can't go bowling now, I have to see him!" "Linds.." Louis tries to comfort me. "No! I have to see him, especially now!" I say and turn around to go back to my room to pack my stuff. My friends lag behind looking confused. Back in my room I pack my pajamas, fresh clothes and makeup before grabbing my car keys and heading for the parking lot. I see Vanessa's and Zayn's cars next to mine. Louis and Niall are sitting in Zayn's whilst Lucy and Emma are sitting in the back of Vanessa's car. "You can come with us" Zayn tells me. I nod and get into his car. I sit down next to Niall whilst Louis and Zayn sit in the front arguing about what song to listen to. "I'm sorry" Niall whispers in my ear. "No, I am sorry" I tell him and kiss him on the cheek which makes Louis shut up about The Killers and turn around. "Back off, bitch. He is mine" he jokes and I laugh. Oh, how I love these people. 

When we get to Bradford I tell Zayn I want to visit my mother first so he drops me off at home. "See you later, I'll pick you up" he tells me and I thank him. I ring the bell and hear my mothers voice boom through the house. "I'm coming!" she shouts. She opens the door and screams before hugging me and calling for Jeremy. "Honey, why didn't you tell me you'd come?" she asks. "It was kind of an off-the-cuff decision" I answer thinking of Harry and I can tell my mum knows something is wrong. "What happened?" she asks as Jeremy joins us in the living room. "Hello, clever girl! How are you?" he asks but my mother gives him a look that tells him to leave us alone for a bit. "Oh, lady talk" he says and leaves again. I tell my mother about my worries about Harry and about him acting weird and unsocial. "Oh honey.. You should really go and see him. I'm sure he just misses you, don't worry" she tells me but I keep having flashbacks of the day when he had his anger attack. I don't want to be the one responsible for another one.  

The Journey - The College Years [One Direction Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now