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Later that evening Zayn picks me up and drives me to Harry's place. Louis, Niall and Vanessa are with him. I really have to talk to Nessa about Emma's baby sometime but we have to be alone for that. "Where are Lucy and Emma?" Niall asks. "Uhm, Emma is telling her parents today and Lucy is there with her. Supporting, you know" Vanessa answers. He nods. "We're here! Linds, do you want us to go?" Zayn asks but I shake my head. We all get out of the car and walk up to the front door of the familiar house. I missed it. I missed everything about Bradford. Even though the university is only a few minutes away from Bradford, it seems like another world to me. Anne opens the door and engulfs me in a warm hug before letting us in. "He is upstairs, but I didn't tell him you're coming, so surprise him!" she tells me and I smile uncomfortably because I am not sure if Harry will be too pleased with my visit. We go upstairs to Harrys room and Niall knocks on his door. "Come in" he shouts and Niall opens the door. When he sees us he immediately sits up in bed and puts his phone aside. "What are you guys doing…" he says and gasps when he sees me. "Linds!" he says and walks up to me. He hugs me tight and I lean my head against his chest. I missed those hugs. What I missed even more is his kisses and as if he could read my thoughts he gently lifts up my chin with his thumb and presses his lips on mine. His lips feel like home. "I missed you so much" he whispers as he lets go of me. "Me too" I whisper back before sitting down on Harrys bed next to the others. "What are you guys doing here?" Harry asks. "We wanted to surprise you since you don't come out of your little cave here anymore" Louis answers. "Uh, yeah. Don't feel like it" he says and looks at me. "I thought you guys would visit Linds at uni" he says. "She wanted to see you, so we came back" Niall says. "Anyways, I really think we should leave you guys alone." I give Niall a thankful look for leaving us alone, I really need some private time with Harry. "See you tomorrow" I tell them and they leave. I look back at Harry and he is smiling but his eyes look empty. "Why don't you hang out with the others?" I ask and he gives me a confused look. "They told me you barely go outside." "It seems pointless without you." "What? What seems pointless?" "Everything." And that's it. That is the one thing he needs to say to make me cry. I can't prevent the tears from rolling down my cheeks. He puts his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder. "Don't cry, please." I feel so small crying like a little child but I can't stop. After a few minutes of crying in his arms I pull myself together and look at him. Look into his eyes, those piercing green eyes I missed so much. "Are you back for like.. ever?" he asks even though I am sure he knows I am not. It's just that tiny spark of hope. I shake my head. "Only for the weekend." He nods. "Let's make the best out of it then" he says and pulls me onto his lap. He starts kissing my neck and I immediately start to moan. I grab ahold of his hair and he starts sucking the skin on my neck harder as I help him take off his sweater. His arms reach under my shirt to open my bra when I spot something on his arm. I shrink back and grab ahold of his wrist. I spot two scars that don't look like an accident and seem to be pretty fresh. His face falls and he pulls his arm away. "Harry, did you do that yourself?" I ask as he puts his sweater back on. He doesn't answer. I get off the bed and stand up in front of him. "Harry, answer me" I say clearly. "It doesn't matter." I start pacing up and down the room. "It does matter! Why did you cut yourself?" I ask and feel my eyes tear up again. No answer. "It's my fault, isn't it? This is all my fucking fault" I scream. I can't stay calm anymore. I am so upset and I feel like shit. I made him hurt himself. I start crying again and cover my face with my hands. I hear him walk towards me and put his arms around me. "It's not your fault. You are doing what you have to do, what is the best for your future. Don't you dare think this is your fault. It's my fault. Because I am a mess, a emotionally unstable mess" he says and sounds like he's holding back tears. I turn around and look at him. "Don't be sad, you're prettier smiling" he says and leans in for a kiss. I part my lips to let his tongue slip inside and he cups my face. "Promise me that you will never do that again" I say. "Promise." He suddenly lifts me up and makes me scream. He drops me off onto the bed and lays down. He takes off his shirt and hands it to me before throwing his pants into the corner of the room. I take off my clothes and pull his shirt over my head. The smell of mint immediately engulfs me and I lay down next to him. 

The Journey - The College Years [One Direction Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now