Maybe I Don't Want Heaven

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The truth runs wild like a tear down a cheek.

You stared at the image in front of you in the mirror. You loved your image; but you thought that you were just not enough. And all of this was just because of some boy at your school.

His name was Brendon—hair so perfect, body shape handcrafted by God himself (although he's atheist) and the voice of an angel. Also, may I mention that he was popular?

You, however, had a completely different personality than his. You were that person that stayed in the corner and preferred reading books than staring at the mirror for an hour, lips pouting while trying out different shades of lipstick. You had nothing against your personality, but you wanted him to like you. And you knew he didn't like the silent type.

You started crying. It was the truth; he was never going to like you. You might as well just sulk at your laptop and eat ice cream than dwell on some body positivity problem you had about yourself. You called up your best friend, Patrick, to come over because he always knew how to cheer you up, but this time, you didn't tell him why you wanted him to visit you.

He arrived within 5 minutes and you ended up hugging him as soon as soon as he stepped foot inside your house.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked as he pulled away and examined you. You kept looking down as you pulled your arms back and toyed with your fingers.

"It's something personal. But it's not something deep. Just cuddle up with me, Stumph." He rolled his eyes playfully as the both of you walked upstairs and did as you wanted; watched TV and ate snacks.

Trying to save face and daddy heartbreak,
I'm lying through my teeth.

You were in the middle of watching when he tapped your shoulder. "What?" you snapped.

"What's wrong?" he asked, still concerned. "You never do this," he motioned to your surroundings, "unless you're sad."

You sighed. "It's this guy at school. I like him and I just don't know how to get him to like me."

"It's all because of that?" he asked in disbelief.


He facepalmed. "(Y/N), as your best friend, I feel obligated to tell you that you're perfect the way you already are. Don't change for some boy."

"But I like him. You don't understand because you've never been in love. You get voices in your head telling you that you're not enough for them. And it eats you up."

"I know what it feels like because I'm in love with someone too," he said firmly. "She's the most amazing, most talented and most beautiful person on this earth, but I don't feel the need to change because I know that she's kind enough to accept me for who I am."

You gasped. "You never told me you liked someone!"

"Well, I did, didn't I? And I plan on letting you meet her soon." He chuckled.

This voice inside has been eating at me.
Trying to replace the love that I fake with what we both need.

You stepped on the staircase of the school with your best friend following close behind. A crowd of girls were in the way of the doors which didn't allow access to the school. You looked up and tried to see what they were crowding at, and the sight of a familiar boy made shivers run down your spine.

"Patrick, hide me," you commanded at your best friend whose breath was heavy because of the stairs. "It's him."

He dropped his books and faced you. "Brendon? Again?"

"Yes. And he's with a bunch of girls. I don't want to make a complete fool of myself."

He sighed, picked his books up and dragged you to the back entrance of the school which was empty. "Are you happy now?"

"Yes." You kissed him on the cheek for gratitude as the both of you made your way to your next class.

The truth runs wild like kids on concrete.
Trying to sedate my mind in its cage and numb what I see.

Patrick sat next to you as you waited for the teacher to come in, but someone else entered. Of course, it was none other than Brendon Boyd Urie.

Patrick nudged your arm as you looked up at him from the book your head was buried in. "It's him, (Y/N), look," he teased. You looked up and shot him a loom as you tried to hide your blush by making the book closer to your head.

The teacher walked in and started her lesson without the consent greeting all of you a 'good morning'. She started talking about molecules or stuff like that, but all you could focus on was the fact that Brendon was in the same room as you: so close yet so far.

You imagined him and you in a relationship; all the girls at school would be jealous. You imagined him liking you back and even the thought of the both of you in his bed—

"MS. (Y/L/N)! I DO NOT APPRECIATE DAYDREAMING IN MY CLASS!" your teacher screamed at you. You swallowed and apologized as she turned her back while the whole class started mocking and laughing at you. You turned red as Patrick started rubbing your back in empathy.

Awake, wide-eyed, I'm screaming at me.
Trying to keep faith and picture his face staring up at me.

After class, Patrick had to wrap an arm around your shoulder and bury your face in his chest to console your embarrassment, knowing that Brendon saw what your teacher did.

You were both walking in the halls when you saw Brendon hanging out with a girl, their hands together, looking romantic. A wave of disappointment surged through you as you started crying. It can't be.

Patrick must've noticed because he bent down and looked you in the eye. "(Y/N)? What's happening?"

You pointed at the couple as he shook his head. To add to your sadness, they kissed in the halls and looked like they were going to bring it up a notch.

Patrick averted his gaze to where yours was and realized. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)."

Without losing a piece of me, how do I get to heaven?
Without changing a part of me, how do I get to heaven?
All my time is wasted, feeling like my heart's mistaken.

You ignored him and let your emotions get the best of you. You cried until you noticed that you were now being dragged inside the janitor's closet by Patrick. "Why?" you asked.

"Brendon's a real dick for unintentionally breaking your heart. He was so blind not to look at how cute, awesome and beautiful you are." His blue eyes made contact with yours as he leaned in for a kiss, one that you never expected. You felt yourself sink deeper into the kiss until you pulled away, smiles on your faces.

"Remember when I told you that I liked someone and I was planning to let you meet her soon?" he asked sincerely. You nodded. "Well, she's none other than the person standing in front of me."

So if I'm losing a piece of me, maybe I don't want heaven.

The both of you started dating after that, and you learned a valuable lesson; never change for someone who doesn't deserve it.

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