Love, Selfish Love (Part 2)

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"You and Patrick have been... off for the past few days. What's wrong?" Pete asked through the phone. "We're not used to him denying his situation, let alone drown in it. Do you have any idea?"

"Tell that to his wedding ring," you mumbled. He raised an eyebrow and looked down.

"What does that even mean? It sounds like a lyric from From Under The Cork Tree."

"It sure as hell does." You sighed. "Listen, I just really—there's something—we're over."

He gasped. "But you're married!"

"But he isn't considered married anymore since he took his damn wedding ring off just because of stress. If he couldn't take stress on the first year of the commitment, then to hell with us when kids arrive."

"You shouldn't let these hinder you. You've been dating for what? 17 years? And you're really going to let that go to waste just because of some stupid ring?"

"It's not just a stupid ring. It's a sign of infinite love—"

"That's bullshit. That ring is only a piece of gold made for idiots who believe in it."

"Apparently this comes from the one who's already had a divorce."

"I had reasons, (Y/N). Valid, reasonable reasons."

"You're not making any sense."

"So is your divorce. He loves you. Now ask yourself. Do you love him?"

A silence fell over the two of you before you breathed in and ran your hand over your hair.

"I don't know, Pete. It's complicated. Look, I'm sorry if I'm stressing you out or wasting your time but I really cannot tell you."

"It's okay. As long as you're happy with keeping it to yourself."

You chuckled and looked down. "It was nice talking to you. Bye Pete."

"Wait! (Y/N)!" he exclaimed. You raised an eyebrow. "Meet me downtown at the local coffee shop. I want to relieve you of what you're experiencing right now."

"Really? You're not going to put me in a van and kidnap me just like that one imagine I saw on Wattpad where I'm taken to a warehouse and Patrick is a total bitch and we get back together or something?"

"What the hell have you been reading?"

"Stuff. What time?"

"Like, right now. The coffee's getting cold and so is your heart."

"Rude. See you, Wentz."

"Catch you soon, (Y/L/N)."

You put the phone down and started dressing up, smiling that you're just about to hang out with Pete Wentz.

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