If I Could Trade Mistakes... (Part 2)

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He sighed and put his arms down in defeat. The only thing that could be done was go with whatever was planned out for him.

"Are you okay, Baby?" Elisa whispered as the crowd took in what was happening. Patrick's father was sternly looking at the scene, observing his son's every move. The music started playing again, and the bride took the groom's hand by force.

His friends, Brendon and Pete, were in the front pew while Brendon was crying. Pete looked confused and gave him a tissue while the other blew his nose loudly at it, attracting attention from several of the guests.

"Dude, why are you crying?" Pete asked as he took the tissue from his friend and threw it somewhere in the chapel.

"It's just... what a shame the poor groom's bride is a-"

"Okay, dude, we get it!" He averted his gaze back at the couple that was now in front of the altar, making their wedding vows. The crowd was silent, and Elisa's family was crying tears of joy while Patrick's father was demonically smiling.

"If anyone wishes these two to not be joined in Holy Matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," the priest announced. Patrick sighed, knowing that no one could save him now.

Except for himself.

"I object this wedding!" he stated, finally gaining confidence. He didn't want this. He never did. And he was the only one who could save himself. "I'm sorry, Elisa. I just can't do this. My heart beats for someone else."

Just on cue, the church doors opened, revealing a girl that was out of breath. The crowd gasped, looking at the mysterious lady that was assumed to object.

"I object!" she announced in the same tone her lover did. Elisa gasped at the lady, and it was the last person she expected to enter.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Elisa scrambled to (Y/N), who was staring at the girl in the white veil carefully. "You're not supposed to ruin my wedding."

"And you're not supposed to steal my husband." She put her hands on her hips and stared at the man standing on the altar, mouth wide open and confused.

She sighed and stomped her heel to the floor, causing a part to break off. "Have you no respect for me?"

"I've lost all due respect, Elisa. This breaks the rule we swore to."

Patrick ran to the two ladies arguing and watched. "What rule?" he asked cluelessly.

"So you don't know, Stumph?" (Y/N) snapped. Patrick was confused, and Elisa sighed frustratedly.

"You're not telling him this," she growled under her breath. The other lady plastered a devilish smirk, taunting the girl in white. "Don't."

"What if I will?" She turned to the groom, obviously looking at his complexion which was a slice of Heaven. But her mind wasn't going to focus on his appearance right now. "Patrick.."


(Y/N) looked sharply at the lady, then at the groom.

"I'm Elisa's sister."

The crowd gasped, and Elisa's-I mean, (Y/N) and Elisa's family went to hold her back since she was three minutes away from smacking you in the face. Her mother was glaring at her, and her father was talking to Patrick who was trying to calm Elisa down.

"Shocking truth, huh, Stumph? What? You want to get mad at me?"

"I'm not," he mumbled as he took his hands off the woman and approached (Y/N). "I'm a fool."

"Of course you are. You broke the only promise I hanged on to." Tears started streaming down her face, and a warm pair of hands surprisingly wiped them away. She looked up and saw none other than Patrick.

"I never did. I still love you, (Y/N). I always have."

"You liar," she pulled away from his grasp, "you could've done something to justify yourself from marrying this woman, but no. You went with the opposite of what your heart wants."

"This is why I'm a fool. I fell for someone as stubborn and unforgiving as you and I married the complete opposite of the woman of my dreams. What else do I have to say to make you love me again?"

"Nothing, because we're never getting back together. Goodbye, Patrick."

She stormed out of the church, but Patrick was left hung. He followed her outside and grabbed her arm as she gave a glare at him.

"You went here for something. You didn't just go here to break my heart. You wanted something from me that's why you objected, right (Y/N)?" He turned her so she could face him, and their eyes were locked on each other. "Admit it."

"I did. But I know I can't have what I'm searching for. I just can't."

"You can. Just ask me. I'll give you everything. I want to spoil you, to give you everything you want." He took her hand and slipped it in his, begging for a response. They both stayed in silence for a while, and he gave up. He started walking away, but (Y/N)'s sudden words made him stop in his tracks.

"I want you, Patrick."


"You're what I wanted, Patrick. But seeing you holding on to her and calming her down brought my hopes down. You don't know how much that hurt."

The both of them were speechless as he leaned in for a kiss, so passionate and longing to be pressed against each other's. This was a moment they've never had before despite their long relationship.

"I'm all yours, darling."


The church bells rang as (Y/N) stared at the window, admiring the sunrise casting a yellow-ish glow on her white dress.

"Hurry, (Y/N)! We're going to be late!" Mrs. Stumph, Patrick's mother, scurried as she opened the curtains further and rushed her to the vanity table where she put her make-up on, making sure she looked perfect.

She stared at the image in front of her in the mirror, a beautiful and obviously happier woman. "Thank you, Mrs. Stumph."

"No problem, (Y/N). Now, get to your wedding car before you're late!"

The both of them ran to the car and signaled the driver to start, and a few minutes later, they arrived.

"Oh. My. Goodness. (Y/N)?" a voice asked from the background. She turned to see her sister, Elisa, whose arm was wrapped around another boy that was way different than Patrick.

"Elisa!" she squealed in delight. They hugged and as soon as they pulled away, her sister couldn't stop complimenting her dress. "I missed you."

"Missed you more. That marriage was all a mistake. No one, even me, wanted it. I was doing it for the sake of the show."

"Awe, thank you."

The church bells rang as the sponsors and bridesmaids made their way in, making her heartbeat rapid.

The doors opened, and the sight of the girl in white caught Patrick's eye immediately, casting a smile on his face. "Good luck, bud," Pete whispered.

She made it in front of him, and the both of them walked to the altar, starting the ceremony peaceful.

"You know, (Y/N), we've been through so much together, and I can't thank you enough for all the good times you made me feel happy and the bad times that strengthened me. If I could trade mistakes, I'd trade even agreeing with my father because you're all I ask for, and all I will ever need. I promise, that by this ring," he slid on the ring on her finger, tearing up a bit, "that I will stand by you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health. May nothing but death do us part."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Their lips touched, reminiscing the last one they had; five years ago in the same place and in the same time. It's hard to believe that it would turn out like this; a happily ever after. But love finds its way.

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