5- Plans

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(A/N All the credit goes to Roraline__Crawford, please follow her. She's an amazing writer.)

5- Plans

Liam's POV

Idiots. Idiots all around.

Did they really think that they could honestly get away with it? They honestly thought we would let the fact that coming onto our turf wouldn't make a big deal. Well they better guess again!

This pact was made between us a while ago. Back when things started to get out of control, we knew it was best to just keep our distance and mind our business. The pact was made between Angel and I. She was supposed to discuss it with her members. So I find it odd. The fact that she went along with the idea of coming onto OUR turf after things were settled. My people don't go onto their side, we don't go on theirs. Of course there are neutral sides because there are places on that side in which any of us have to walk on, but specific locations are off limits to each other.

She thought she was so tough coming up to my face like that after Harry punched that asshole Cole, if you ask me he deserved it. Harry has a short fuse. He can explode pretty quick depending on the situation and the person. I for one know Cole and Harry hate each other with a such a passion. If you were to lock them in a room together and come back ten minutes later, blood will be shed.

"Liam" I look up and see Louis walking towards me.

"What?" I say

"What are we going to do about them?" he says

"Nothing for now" I say

"You're just going to let them have the last throw?" Louis says

"No one ever gets the last throw if I'm involved. Trust me" I say

"So you have something up your sleeve then?" Louis smirks

"All in good time Lou. Where's Harry, if he doesn't leave he is gonna be late" I say

"Left already" Louis says

'Alright then. I have stuff to take care of, I'll see you after school" I say and leave the hallways before we get in trouble for cutting class.


"We have to find some way to get to this girl, or at least know what she looks like" I whisper to Jade. Our teacher was teaching something new, something along the longs of metaphase 2 and meiosis and shit like that. I really wasn't interested. I had other things on my mind.

"Well, Harry leaves early. So just follow" Jade says

"How is that possible?" I ask

"We walk behind him from a distance and hide behind things so he doesn't know were following him" Jade says

"Not the plan" I say rolling my eyes.

"Then what?" Jade asks

"How is it that he ends early? No one ends early unless they're a senior. Harry isn't a senior, is he?" I ask

"Nope. He's a junior, just like the rest of them..." Jade says

"That's so weird." I say

"Maybe he just cuts his last class" Jade shrugs

"Maybe, just like we're doing today" I say

"I thought Niall and Zayn were gonna handle it?" Jade asks

"Actually it's Cole and Zayn. Niall is going to be waiting for them to come and keeping an eye out for them" I say

"Hmm... Alright" Jade nods

Silent Angels (L.P) [Cowritten by Roraline__Crawford]Where stories live. Discover now