15- You Like My Kisses

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15- You Like My Kisses

Rori's POV

"So you've pretty much did all the tattoos you have?" Angel asks

"Yep." I nod thinking when will her questions end. But it was kind of nice talking to someone else for a change. I don't talk with Celeste much, and Taylor hates me for no reason. You would think we had some sort of bad blood with each.

"Fucking shit!" We both hear and turn our head to the door. I see the boys and girls return and Harry holding a red rag against his mouth and nose, except he made it red. I jumped from the couch and raced over.

"What the hell happened?" I ask

"Just help him!" Liam says and he walks away angrily.

Harry's POV

Fucking Fallen Angels. Fucking Cole. Fucking everyone.

"Calm down, Harry. I know you're furious, but you have to calm down." Rori says, trying to calm me down, but it doesn't work.

"Furious?! I'm far passed furious! I'm at the point where I could strangle Cole!!" I yell

"For fucks sake! Calm down. Being mad won't do anything." Rori says

"No, but killing him will do something." I say

"Guys, calm down. Okay? Remember we still have Angel." Louis says

"You're right... It's all Angel's fault!" I yell, standing up.

"It's not her fault Cole hit you." Louis says


"Shh! Guys! She's in the other room, don't let her hear you. She can't know where you guys were" Rori says and she's right.

"Harry, you're still bleeding. Rori, you mind fixing him up?" Liam asks once again. He must have calmed down a bit.

"Nope, don't mind at all, come on. Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" She says

"Okay." With that I stand up, following her to the bathroom.

"You have to calm down, Harry." Was the first thing she says as we enter the bathroom

"I know. I can't help it. I'm so pissed off right now."

"Go in the bedroom, I'll get the first aid kit." She says

"Okay." I walk into the bedroom and sit on the bed. Rori comes out with the first aid kit.

"You have to learn how to keep in your anger. You can let it explode on another day, just not on this day. Like Liam said, you almost told them we have Angel. We don't want them to know. Well, not yet anyway. I'm sure they'll figure it out, but still don't let them suspect anything." She says pouring some liquid on a cloth and walking up to me.

"I know." I said "Ouch! Fuck" I scream

"Sorry" she says pulling the cloth away. "I have to disinfect it" she says

I nod. "Fine" I sigh

"It's going to sting a bit....well probably a lot, but you're a big boy you can handle it, right?" She teases

"I don't think I can doctor" I say laughing.

"Oh Harry...." She shakes her head. She finishes disinfecting and moves to my knuckles. "Huh....that's weird" she says

"What?" I ask

"I can't seem to find the source of this bleeding on your hands" she says wiping away the dried blood.

Silent Angels (L.P) [Cowritten by Roraline__Crawford]Where stories live. Discover now