16- Locating

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16- Locating

Sky's POV

Well fuck! With Angel gone, who is the leader?

"So who decided to take Angels throne?" I ask

"Me." Jade answers

"Ok, cool. So here's the thing, I can try to locate Angel, but it's gonna be hard since we have her phone and she had nothing we can track with her."

"We can try to find the computer's PIN number, if they have a computer." Zayn says

"Now I know why Angel allowed you to join our gang." Jade says

"You are very smart. We can try that. Do you know how to?" I ask, looking at Zayn

"Yeah, I can do that." He says while going to the laptop that is on the coffee table

"Cool, you do that. Niall, what do you do that is useful?" I ask

"I give updates and I negotiate in meetings and run-ins."

"Cool, but can you try and help us right now? Like can you print stuff out, give us a call if anything happens?" I ask


"Cole, what do you do?" I ask

"I handle the weapons." He says

"Nice." I say.

"Jade, what do you do?" I ask.

"I give ideas. I fight."

"I found something. I found random numbers in order and I don't know if that means something" Zayn announces

"What are the numbers?" I ask

"Does it matter?" Zayn turns to me

"It might."

"The numbers are 5228"

"Let me see something." I say as I take his place, taking the laptop.

I scroll through the numbers. I click on the word 'Find'. I type the number '5228' in and I see the number. I scroll through the options and find 'Location'. I click on that and a random address came up.

I concentrate as I say, "Well I know where we can find her. If this is correct, we have to go to 240 Levin Drive." Everyone looks at me with impressed and shocked looks.

"Cool." Niall says

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get Angel back!" Jade says and everyone hollers agreements.

"Let's hit the road." I say, as we walk outside and inside the car.

Well, here we go on our adventure to get Angel back. Talking about Angel, I haven't seen her in a long time. Would she remember me?

Silent Angels (L.P) [Cowritten by Roraline__Crawford]Where stories live. Discover now