11- Familiar Faces

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11- Familiar Faces

Liam's POV

"All done" Rori says turning the machine off. She wipes off the excess and applies a gel.

"Thanks" I say taking a look at the fresh new color she added.

"Here" she says and she wraps it for me.

"Try not to do anything, I mean it will be sore for a few days and whatnot, but you already know. It's not like you haven't had any tattoos" she says cleaning up around the place.

"Yeah I know the drill..." I say.

"Do you need anything else?" she asks

"For now, no..." I say

"Well just let me know. It's free" she winks

"I want to ask you something?" I say

"Sounds serious... okay" she says and we both sit down.

"Does it really bother you that I send Harry for you instead of myself?" I ask.

She sighs and purses her lips. "I mean not really. I guess at first it did. But I'm used to it, so it's fine, don't worry about it" she says

"You guys get along though, right?" I ask

"Yeah of course, we're good, why do you ask?" she says

"I don't know, you guys sometimes seem at each other, so I was wondering"

"Oh that's... that... psshh... that's just how we are... I mean it's all good." she laughs

"Okay, you ready to go?" I ask

"Sure let me just sign out" she says and she leaves the area.

I walk around the place scanning the shelves and looking at the wall that has many different tattoos postered on the wall. Pictures of real people with tattoos, and just some random ones to give people ideas. I continue to just walk around and stop at the shelf that had earrings for all sorts of piercings. I've been meaning to change my lip rings, but never got around to it

"Hey Rori, can I see these lip rings?" I call out to her.

"Sure just go ahead and take it yourself" she calls back.

I open the door to the shelf and pick a few of the ones I like and set it down on the counter and wait for Rori to ring me up. I turn around as I hear a jingle of a bell which is hung next to the door. So everytime someone enters or leaves the bell rings. I look and see familiar faces I didn't expect to see, especially not in this shop.

"Well shit..." The familiar husky, British accent says

"Shit is right..." I say back

"How's it going Liam?" Zayn asks

"It's going" I nod. "And you?"

"Well, you know... same old... nothing new..." he shrugs.

"What brings you here?" I ask

"Well this is one of the best spots for tatts and I've been meaning to get a new one" he says.

"Of all places, you come here?" I say raising my eyebrow

"This is a neutral part of town, any of us can come in here and go as we please" he says.

He's right. I'm just overreacting.

"Why so quiet all of a sudden?" I ask, looking over to Angel who hasn't said a word.

"What do you want me to say?" she snaps.

"Well a simple sorry, or my bad would suffice..." I say

"Apologize for what? I didn't do shit" she spits.

"Oh? You didn't, so why is it that I had to almost knock down your fucking door the day you decided to kidnap Rori?" I say and she stayed silent.

"Yeah, that's what I fucking thought." I say. "If any of you ever, EVER get near her, I'll fucking make your lives a living hell. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Crystal" Zayn says, sarcastically and rolling his eyes

"Which ones did you---" Rori says coming back from the back. "What the fuck are they doing here?" she looks to me.

"Just let them be. Let's get out of here." I say and drag Rori out the door.


"What was that about?" Rori asks as we drive down the roads

"It was nothing" I shrug making a left.

"Don't tell me it was nothing. I heard some yelling." she says

"I just gave them a warning so keep the fuck away. That's all. No harm done"

"Liam, when it's you, there's always some harm done" she rolls her eyes

"I swear, I didn't lift a finger. Just a few words here and there. No biggie" I shrug once more

"You say no biggie, but it is a biggie. Words turn into arguments and arguments turn into actions and then actions turn into something really ugly. You gotta control yourself." she says shaking her head. "I'm serious, Liam."

"Look, I wouldn't have had to say anything if they didn't show up there, I mean why there, like why, of all the parlors they come there. Why?"  I ask

"Ink By Death is one of the best places to get marked man, get with it. You should know that by now. And that area is a neutral area so they are allowed to step foot. We agreed on this long ago." she says and she's right. I guess I kind of wanted to start something.

"I know you're still mad at them for what they did, but let it go. I'm fine" she says

"And what if you weren't?" I ask

"If I wasn't then I'm sure you would've dealt with it and everyone else would too, I think" she shrugs.

"Of course they would. They have your back, just like you have theirs. Especially Harry, he's taking this escort, protection thing too serious" I laugh.

"Umm that's because you told him he has to be" she laughs as well.

"I guess you're right, but he can tone it down a bit. You're not the President"

"Excuse you." she laughs. "I'll have you know that I am just as special as the President, and for the record I think I've done more than the President has done."

"If you say so." I shrug laughing.

"Let's get ice cream" she says

"We should really head back" I say

"Oh come on please! Please, please. We haven't spent any time together in so long. Please" she pouts pleading.

I always find it so hard to say no to her. I just don't want to disappoint or upset her, so I gave in, "fine" I say making a U-turn.

"Yes!" she cheers

Silent Angels (L.P) [Cowritten by Roraline__Crawford]Where stories live. Discover now