12- Paybacks A Bitch

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12- Paybacks A Bitch

Liam's POV

It was one of those days where everyone had their own thing to do, so no one was around the warehouse today. But everyone eventually comes together and we just sit around. There's normally something we have to do, but today there's nothing. It was just Harry and I in the warehouse. It felt like it was just me since Harry hasn't said a word and won't stop fucking pacing back and forth. His fist balled up and every other minute he runs his hand through his hair.

"Bro, take a chill pill" I say, looking up from my phone.

"I just... I can't believe that... I swear if I get my hands on him... wrap my hand around his neck... and..." he doesn't even finish a full sentence because he's fucking mad. Literally, fucking mad.

"Breathe" I say and Harry lets his fist go. His fingers were blue because he was holding such a tight fist he stopped the circulation. "Stop fucking pacing man" I roll my eyes

"How the hell do you just sit there?" he asks me

"It's Friday" I shrug

"No, I mean how the hell do you just sit there and let it go and ignore it, how do you let it go, and just not care anymore" he says. He's making no sense whatsoever. Fact about Harry, when he's mad he balls up his fist, he tends to run his hand through his hair every minute or so, he mumbles to himself mostly curses, he grinds his teeth, and he plays with lip ring. One time he was so mad he almost ripped out his lip ring. His bottom lip got so swollen. He had to take it out for a few weeks and ice it. It was pretty funny because we all warned him. But he didn't listen. I was so sure he learned his lesson, but I guess not since he's doing it again.

"I have no idea what you are trying to say" I say

"Fucking Fallen Angels!" he shouts

"I thought we were passed this?" I sigh

"You might, and the others might, but I'm not."

"Well then you need to let it go" I say

"I can't! Fucking Cole had put his hands on her and I can't stand to think..." he stops talking for I was looking at him weird. I mean I know he hates Cole but the way he was talking about Rori just seemed a bit weird to me. "I mean look, she is my... I was supposed to be looking out for. And I feel like she won't feel safe because I didn't come in time and I don't want to her feel that I can't protect her"

"She doesn't think that. I mean yes you have shown up late before, but you still show up and she's always been safe. Yes I was pretty pissed off at the fact that she wasn't with you and you had no idea where she was. I admit I was going to punch you, but nonetheless we fixed that problem. She's okay now and she forgives you. I mean she was never mad at you." I say

"She has every right to be mad I wasn't there to do what I was supposed too" he says

"Look it happened, it's over, she's okay" I say "end of story"

"No! I don't want to be the end. They can't get away with it!" he yells

"Well Rori is fine, she doesn't care anymore" I say

"Are you sure about that? Did you ask her? Liam, for crying out loud, they took her, threw her into the back of a car tied up and then God knows what they did with her when she was at the house. I mean she had the marks on her wrists, they tied everything so tightly, they hurt her! Don't you care enough to fight back for her" he says.

"Of course I do! I've always cared about her, just because I don't express it every minute of the day doesn't mean I don't.." I say

"So let's do something about it" he says

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