18- Feelings Get In The Way

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18- Feelings Get In The Way

Niall's POV

I hope Sky knows what she's doing. I really want to find Angel and make sure she is okay. I care so much about her. I can't bare if anything happens to her. If they laid one finger on her, they are all focking dead.

Now you're wondering if I like her in that way, or as a brotherly figure. Well, to be honest, I don't know. I might have some feelings for her, but I fear that she doesn't feel the same about me. I really hate that. I'm worried to tell her because I don't want to lose the close bond we have. When we started the gang, when I was on Liam's side, I didn't want to do this. I didn't want us to fight just because of a break up. I want all of us to be friends again. I hope Liam and Angel will work out their differences and their likes because I know that Liam and Angel still love each other, just that it was hard to maintain a relationship. I hope we all become friends, well all of us except for Cole and Harry, they would most likely kill each other. If we could only turn back time and be friends again.

It's funny how you meet someone and they change your whole life. Like with Angel. If we never met Angel, none of this would have happened. I'm so glad I met Angel when I did. She changed my life, for the better. If only we could go back to us all being friends, I'd like that very much. Now you're wondering, how did she change my life for the better? Well, I'll tell you. She's so honest and she gave me a lot of confidence and support. When we met, she was your average teenage girl, just that she wears black. We talked a bit, I let her meet the boys, then after a week I went to her house and hung out. We had a blast! We played Truth or Dare, we also played Confessions. I confessed that I had insecurities and she helped me out with them. She's so sweet and so nice. Ever since then, I changed having confidence in myself. I thought no one could help, but I was wrong.

When I joined this gang, she stuck by my side. Looking out for me and a couple weeks after, she helped me and Zayn with our fighting, weapons, dodging, and on our comebacks. She told us if we were even in a war to make sure we have our weapons loaded and that we don't ever fool around while fighting. She mainly helped me with my self-defense and helped Zayn with his aiming.

She was always looking out for me, that's when I realized that I was safe. She always knew how to make me smile on my worst days. When her and Liam were dating, I was slightly jealous, but then I saw him make her smile and laughed. When he made her laughed, I instantly knew she was really happy. Now, now she is different and kinda sad. I manage to make her laugh. I love knowing I put a smile on her face. That's all she needs. All she needs is some help making her happy.

When we get Angel back, I'm going to hug her so tight and never let her go. I'm going to be very cautious now. We lost her now, but once we get her back we are not losing her again. Angel makes me so happy, it's incredible knowing I have someone who makes her as happy as I am. I want what's best for us. I want her to get everything she deserves. All I want is to see her smile and hear her laugh everyday. Boy, I think I'm in love.

I swear if any of them hurt her, I'm literally going to focking kill them, but I doubt that they hurt her, but still. She means everything to me and if I lost her... I would be broken. I just wish she would feel the same way I do. I know in my heart that Angel still loves Liam, and I know deep down Liam still loves Angel, just that he'll never show it. He's a coward because he hides his feelings. I'm a coward, too. I'm just really scared of her reaction and I know if she says no, she'll say it in a very gentle way.

Right now, Sky and Jade talking, Zayn is watching football and Cole is being Cole, eating and not caring for anything, but probably thinking of ways he'll kill Harry. I swear, you put them in a room together with no weapons and they'll kill each other. Me, I am just sitting on the couch, thinking of Angel and hoping Sky will find Angel. No offence to Sky, but I'm doubting her. Angel doesn't have anything on her that we could track down. It's useless to try and I know I'm giving up already, but we have nothing to find.

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