8- Leaving

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8- Leaving

Niall's POV


"I'm getting tired of Liam's shit," I say to Zayn "he thinks he can control us and tell us what to do. I'm sick of it!"

"I know. Did you noticed he changed when we made this gang and when Angel broke up with him?" Zayn asks.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed. It's weird how he's nice to Harry and Louis, but not us."

"I guess he's just super pissed or not over it." Zayn shrugs

"So he takes it out on us?" I scoff. "If Harry or Liam introduced Angel to all of them he would still treat him better" I say

"Well that's because Liam needs Harry for Rori" Zayn says

"That's not an excuse!" I say "Think about it, he's been treating you like shit for so long now, why?" I ask

"I know and I'm sick of it... I think Angel would let us in her gang. I think her gang would treat us with respect and care about what we think." He says.

"I don't know, man. I mean yes her gang would treat us right, but do you really think she would let us in her gang?" I ask.

"Maybe, I mean, you were her friend first. So she would let you in, but I'm going to prove her I got what it takes to be in her gang." He says.

"So, we are leaving this gang and are joining Angel's? I'm sure she will allow us. I actually miss her, you know, us all hanging out and being friends."

"Yeah, I miss her too. Liam's too controlling, but Angel was laid back. So let's go get this over with. I know that Liam will hate us for leaving, but he can't make us stay. And it will teach him a lesson."

"What should we do? Like, should we talk to Angel first or should we talk to Liam?" I ask.

"We'll talk to Liam first, then talk to Angel." Zayn says.

"Liam's going to be bloody mad. Once he finds out that if we join Angel's gang, he's going to be even more mad." I say.

"Let's go get this over with."

We went to the main area we usually talk, the living room. We find Liam with, no surprise, Louis and Harry.

"Hey, man. Can we talk for a second?" Zayn asks.

"Sure." Liam says.

"Maybe we should talk outside. Just incase." I say.

"Okay?" he says raising an eyebrow

We walk outside and stand in a semicircle. Zayn lit a cigarette. He's nervous. He only smokes when he's nervous.

"So-" Zayn cuts me off

"Listen, we have something to tell you. Okay, let me get to the point, me and Niall want out."

Liam's face held a lot of emotions--- Confusion, anger, concern, a little bit of sadness, but mainly anger.

"Why?" Was the first thing that he said.

"We just think that it would be the best thing. Like, we just think that we need a break." I say.

Liam nods, "Okay..."

"Are we still mates? Can we still be friends no matter what?" Zayn asks.

Silent Angels (L.P) [Cowritten by Roraline__Crawford]Where stories live. Discover now