13- New Adjustment?

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13- New Adjustment?

Angel's POV

I woke up with my head pounding. It hurt so bad. I guess I passed out again. I fully open my eyes and see a blur of a face and teal. Or green? I couldn't tell.

"What- What am I doing here?" I ask, fully waking up

"Oh good, you're awake again." I hear. I can now see who is standing over me. It's Rori and behind her standing by the door is Harry.

"Why am I here?" All I remember is being at my locker to get my phone, and then I blacked out "What am I doing here?" I ask, looking over to Harry who is leaning against the door. With a sly smirk on his face.

"Revenge" Harry says. I'm so confused. That's when I realized my friends would be worried for me. I know they would think I've been gone too long, and never came back. Especially Niall. Him and I have a very close bond.

"Let me go" I say

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" Rori asks

"Look, I promise I'll leave you alone" I say to Rori

"Too late for that. You screwed up the moment you and your fucking friends put your hands on her!" Harry spits

"You seem to care awfully a lot about her" I look to Harry then to Rori.

"It's my job" he shrugs

I know he's lying. I can tell at the way he's acting. There's something going on between them. I can right now feel the tension.

"Just let me go," I say, fighting with the handcuffs "This is going to accomplish nothing. You do realize that, right? Me being locked in here is not accomplishing anything."

I know he knows I'm right, so I just kept tempting him to let me go.

"I thought you guys were smarter than this, but I guess I was wrong." I smirk, shaking my head.

They were just standing there thinking about what I said. He was looking determined to let me go, but Rori, not so much.

"Don't give in to this bitch. She's just messing with your head."

"Are you sure that I am? Because I'm here for no reason. You can't hit me, so what are you going to do? Hmm?" I snap, making sure it's clear in their head that they can't really do anything to me.

They are looking convinced, but I'm not to sure. They can change their mind in a blink of an eye. I just needed for them to unhandcuff me, so then I can knock them out and get to my friends.

"Man, you're good. You are really good," Harry smirks, nodding. "I almost fell for it. Wow, it makes me wonder why you left the gang. Then again, you are a hell of a bitch. C'mon Rori, Liam will deal with her."

He takes by her wrist and leaves.

"Wait." She says and walks back over to me. I back up a little thinking of what she could possibly want. She looks down at me and purses her lips. She fumbles with her lip ring then rolls her eyes. "Fuck it, you're not worth it" she says and leaves the room with Harry. I kick the wall and curse. I was so close!

Hmm. Nothing is going on? I smirk, knowing that they are together or fuck buddies. It has to be something. But I'm not too sure. I am almost positive she is with Liam, but...she could be with Harry. Then again the only times I've seen them together is when he picks her up from school, that doesn't give me much. But I'll find out, and when I do they'll be caught, those fuckers.

I stare at the ceiling, thinking about how I'm going to get outta here. I need a plan or something to get out of this hellhole. I wonder what the Niall and the rest are doing. Especially Niall and Jade. I know they've noticed by now. They are always looking out for me, for everyone.  I close my eyes and let darkness consume me.

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