14- Who Died?

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14- Who Died?

Jade's POV

Where the fuck is she? How are we supposed to find her?

"Jade, you okay?" Cole asks.

"Of course I'm not okay... I don't know where my best friend is. I don't even think I know anyone who can find her. Do you think she's hurt or something?" I ask.

"I don't think so. I would hope not. Should we check our turf, just incase she might have shown up there?" Zayn asks.

"Yeah. What's the worst that can happen." I say.

-----Our Turf-----

"Nothing. Not one fucking thing." Niall says.

"Relax, maybe Silent Screams have her locked up." Zayn says

"Why would you think that? Not that I'm doubting you, I'm sure they have her too, but why would you say that?" Cole asks

"That would explain Celeste and Taylor's expressions. Like they know something." Zayn says.

"If they hurt her, I'm going to kill them." Niall threatens

"I know you will, just not yet Niall. If she is there, you can go on and kill them." I say

"One problem, how do we find Angel? Like what if she's not at Silent Screams turf? Then where do we go from there?" Zayn asks.

"I don't know. We'll figure something out, anything to get Angel back. You know she'll do the same for us." I say

"I'm guessing you're in charge for now." Cole says.

"Someone has to. I know Angel would make me in charge, but since she's not here we need someone to keep the gang together and sane." I say

"True." Niall says.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Zayn asks, everyone turns towards me. There has to be someone I know to find Angel.

"Let's go to their turf, just to see if they have Angel." Niall says

"No I don't think we should. What happens if Cole decides to try to kill Harry?" Zayn asks

"I agree with Zayn. I don't think I can control myself around Harry. Harry always finds something to say to piss me off. I just really want to sew his goddamn mouth shut." Cole says

"Okay, and what about you Jade? You okay with this?" Niall asks

"Yeah, it's worth a shot." I say

"Zayn, Cole, you in? Or no? It's your choice, you can stay here." I say

"We'll go." They agree

"Awesome. Let us hope nothing bad happens." I say

"I will contact one of them and tell them to meet us at the park where we always meet at when we need a meeting." Niall says

"Good." I say

"Do you really think they will give Angel back if they have her?" Zayn asks

"It's worth a shot." I say

"What happens if they do know where she is, but they won't give her back?" Zayn asks

"I don't know, threaten them? Trade something for Angel? I don't know." I say

"Do you think it's that easy?" Zayn asks

I was just about to answer when Niall starts talking.

"Okay, they will meet us there."

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