32- A New Perspective

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(A/N I decided that since Eleanor is now in the story, I feel like I should give you some background about her so you know her story. So this chapter will just be in her POV Enjoy!) (hiii peeps- Roraline xx)

32- A New Perspective

Eleanor's POV

I remember when I first moved to London. I was five. Mum had just remarried and we were officially going to be living in his flat. I was excited, but most scared at the same time. It was going to be all new to me. I felt like I was all settled in Manchester and things started to change. I would have to make new friends and everything. I was excited for that. But I didn't really think much into it. I was five. I just knew I was happy to be gettin me own room. I always had to share with me brother and I hated it. I hated it a lot. We lived in a small flat with me mum.

My brother always teased me growing up. When I think about it now, it doesn't bother me as much since I haven't seen him in years. We don't talk anymore. But he was quite the pest. He understood a lot more than me especially when mum remarried. I never understood what was going on when she was seeing him, and me brother teased me about it. I do however remember she was happy to be with him. Overtime I did get accustomed to him and us being a family. He helped raise us like he was our own. Or so I thought at the time. I was just a kid. We both were. As I grew older, my brother and I got more distant. He ended up leaving the flat and living with friends. My mum didn't mind though since he visited often.

But I knew there was something else behind it. I just didn't want to accept it or admit it to myself. So it was just me. And I hated it. Even though my brother and I didn't get along, I missed his company. I had trouble making friends. I wasn't very outspoken. I was an outcast. At least that is what everyone called me. I was hated by everyone in the school. I cried on my home everyday. My mum was always too busy with work and Daniel, her husband. She didn't pay much attention to me. And I didn't really have the motherly figure growing up. So sometimes I didn't know any better. I began to distant myself from everything. I got jealous of others, jealous of almost everything that my mother was around, but never around me. So I wasn't really brought up. I began to hang around the wrong people. Like I said I didn't know any better. And they accepted me for me. The more I was around them the more they influenced me. By age 14 I got my first tattoo and piercing. It was just an ear piercing. But for my tattoo I got this quote. It spoke deep to me and I felt like it's exactly something that represented me.

"You never really need anyone, but yourself"

It's the truth, at least for me that is.

When mum found the tattoo she went nuts. She told me I have completely lost it. I didn't think she would freak out that bad. I didn't think she would care. I remember arguing with her that night our voices getting louder, the tones getting more rude. She would raise her voice and I would raise mine higher. And everytime I spit out words to her, I never imagined that I would ever argue like this with me mum. She was supposed to be my best friend.

That was the first of many arguments. I started to feel like she was against me. She was changing before my eyes. I remember this one time Daniel got in between our argument. I told him to fuck off and my mother slapped me. I screamed at her. I told her how she ruined my life by marrying that prick. By then I had lost myself, I lost my decent humanity. I was a complete and different person. The one tattoo I had, turned into many. That same night I got into a heated argument with Daniel. He spewed harsh and crude words at me. I almost thought he would hit me or something, but I wouldn't let that prick touch me for I would fight back. He called me an ungrateful bitch.

I didn't talk to me mum for a month, but I stayed in the flat with them. I was disgusted by them. I would come home late every time in spite. I knew mum hated it. One night I came home past 1 in the morning and mum was sitting on the couch in her night clothing. I was waiting for her to lecture me. But she simply stared at me and looked away.

The next morning she was waking me up pretty rough. She had told me her and Daniel got into an argument. And it ended bad. I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn't my fault. She married that prick. He was even a bigger prick than I realized. The argument wasn't just their regular argument. They had plenty of those.

This one ended bad and about me. He made her chose between us.

And she chose him.

Angel's POV

I sat up in bed and laid my head against the headboard. I don't have trouble falling asleep. I sleep pretty quick, but tonight I felt bothered and other things as well. I didn't realize how long I had been sitting up until I felt the rim of my shirt was a little wet. I place my fingers on my cheek. I was crying. I wiped my tears but they kept coming down. Everything seems to be working out so well with Liam and everyone else here. Except for Rori and Harry. I know they hate me, well mostly Rori, but I deserve it. There's not a moment where I don't regret it. I don't know what came over me. I didn't want to get them in trouble, and every time I see Harry I can see it in his eyes. The sorrow. I striped away his love. I'm such an asshole for that.

I wiped my tears again thinking how long I'm going to be here for and maybe I should accept that I'm never going to leave. But things are going well. So well. I thought that maybe, just maybe Liam would let me leave. I've done everything and I haven't fought back. So why still keep me?

(A/N Just wanted to add this note, NO HATE. Please no hate. And also another note, I'm, once again, sorry that I haven't updated a new chapter. I'm working on it. Sorry it took so long for me to update. I love you guys and thank you for reading and enjoying. I hope to update soon. x)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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