chapter 5

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(Joey's's POV)

"Come on Daniel,your ready to go?"I ask grabbing me keys and my camera.

"Yes,lets go!"

If you didn't know we are gonna adopt a pre-teen girl.We were planing of this for about 3 months we have her room ready for her and we cant wait!

"You excited?" i ask Daniel looking nervous.

"Um,yea but, what if everyone trys to attack us like fangirls?" he ask even more nervous.

"Then we will just have to prepare...i guess i mean how bad can it be their is only like 5 girls i think.."

"I guess" he says a little relived.

(a few moments later)

(Kristina's POV)

As everyone is waiting in the living room on thier phones and watching T.V i decide to just read a book. Since Ms.Willow got me my favorite book "The Hunger Games" for my birthday i guess ill start reading it so that i can read the rest this week.

"Who you think its gonna be?" Ashley ask.

"um...i dont know maybe someone famous or something.." i say while focused on my book.

"Well i hope its Harry Styles from One Direction!" Ashley says excited.
"Really?" i asked "why would Harry Styles come to adopt a girl when he is in England?"

"I dont know, but you never know you know" Ashley says while eating a peice of gum.

"Ture" i say.

(Ms.willow's POV)

While the girls were in the living room and waited i have to have to get their surprise...a youtuber that they all watch...maybe his name is Joey gr... Gr... Whatever his last name was and his boyfriend. I hope they dont go really crazy on them. I think i see their car pulling up.

(Joey's POV)

When we pulled up at the orphanage a lady was wauting for us.

"You must be Joey" the lady says with a big grin on her face.

"That's me and this is my boyfriend Daniel." smiling back at her

"Hi" Daniel says

"My name is Ms.Willow" she sayd and pulls her hand out for a hand shake.

"Nice to meet you Ms.Willow" i say while we did a handshake.

When we introduced ourselfs to Ms.Willow she was going to lead us to the girls.

"Ok, now i want you to wait here so that i can let the girls know your here"Ms.Willow says and walks inside.

(Kristina's POV)

While i was reading i hear Ms.Willow walking to us.

"Ok girls their here!" she says excited."Now girls before we let them in please do not act really crazy around them ok"

"Yes Ms.Willow" we all say.

"Ok guys come in" she says and moves to the other side of the T.V.

Then all of a sudden i see Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda come in.

"Hey guys"Joey says with a big smile.

"OH MY GOD IT'S JOEY GRACEFFA!!!AND HIS BOYFRIEND!!" i hear Brooklyn say running to them as well as eveyone including Ashley.

"I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS,ADOPT ME, I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH" some of the girls yell and surround them.

I was excited too but i knew better not to do that so i. Followed Ms.Willow's directions and stayed on the couch closing my book and folding my hands

*sigh* "I can't believe their here!"
i thought in my mind. This is a dream came ture in my book.

"EVERYONE SIT DOWN NOW!" Ms.Willow screams.

Everyone stops and gos and sitting down finally!

(Daniel's POV)

When i heard Ms.Willow scream everyone stops... THANK GOD ITS OVER

"Now,i want you guys to go to ypur rooms im going to call you one by one till everyone has been talked to these gentleman all right?" she ask.

"Yes Ms.Willow" they all say.

"How do you even handle them like that?" i ask.

"I have been doing this for a long time trust me" she says.

"Haha,anyway whose first" Joey asks.

(Joey's POV)

"Haha, anyway whose first?" i ask.

"Well i have list..."Ms.Willow said taking a clipboard full of the girls names."first we have...Brittany,I'll go get her"

"Okay" Daniel and I say while walking to. The couch.

(10 minutes later)

"Ugh, these girl's are just act fake to get us to adopt them."Daniel said upset.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else" i say also upset.

"WAIT!" Ms.Willow yells. "I have one more girl i think you will like her her name is Kristina."

"Ok" we both say

(Kristina's POV)

While i was waiting to be called i was still reading my Hunger Games book. I'm already on chapter 10 wow i read fast. Then, i hear a knock on my door..

"Kristina is your turn come on" Ms.Willow says opening the door.

"Coming." i say nervous.what are they gonna think of me will they think im ugly or boring like what all the mean girls say to me.... I hope not im really nervous.

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