chapter 24

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(Kristina's POV)

After playing the games and filming, we deiced to watch a movie. It was around 9 ish so we still have two hours. I sat between Conner and Colleen.

* 2 hours later*

After the movie, people started leaving so i decide to take a group photo with Colleen, Conner, Hannah, Meghan, ingrid, and Shane, so that i can post it on my instagram. Then they all left but Meghan, Ingrid and Cat. Ugh why cant Cat leave already?

"Hey Kristina,can i talk to you for a sec?" Cat asked.

"Oh- uh sure?" i said like a question. Then, we went down to the hall, what is she going to say? I didnt do anything so this should be good, right?

"Listen here little brat, i know your tricks and im not liking it." Cat said angerly.

"No. You listen to me" I started i may be 12 but i can act just like a 20 year old if i wanted to. "I know your tricks and Joey and Daniel are not being fouled by them, so number one, would you leave a girl the fuck alone and go back home before i tell Meghan and Ingrid to kick you out!" i snapped.

''This isn't over Kristina,you will pay!" Cat said walking out the door.

I quickly ran back to the main room.

"What happened?" Ingrid asked. I told them the story anyway because they needed to know. If you want people to believe your side of the the story (the ture side)  you gotta have backup know?

"Wow, and she was bestfriend." Ingrid and Meghan said.

"Well, you might want to think again." i said and Joey and Daniel FINALLY come home.

"DADDY!" i scream running and hugging Joey and Daniel.

"Hey hon." Joey said.

"Ready to go to bed?" Daniel said.

"Not yet." i said.

"Well hurry up its almost 12 we are going to do a little shopping tommorw." Joey said.

"Alright, bye Meghan and Ingrid." i said hugging them.

"Bye Kristina!" Meghan and Ingrid said.

Then i ran up the stairs and shut my door. Storm was sitting in my bed with his bone so i throw it to the floor so he can do what dogs do. Then i change into my pink Star Wars P.Js and went to bed.

(A/N) - SRRY if this is short and srry if i post late i just came back from a school dance well 2 hours ago...but i forgot to post today so here you go! I hope you like this and i will see you psychopaths later bai 🌹

- ₦ ⅈ ℕ ∧ 🐼

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