chapter 3: the dodger

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Oliver walked down to the lair to see felicity and dig at the three computers "what's going on? "I asked confused.
"This guy."Felicity said
"They call him the dodger because he avoids getting caught by puting a bomb coller on people and makes them steel for him. "Dig explained
"He was in Romania a few months ago but now he came to starling city".  Felicity explained. "What kind of things does he steel?"I  asked.
"Diamonds and expensive jewelry." Felicity said.
"The cancer society auction". I said.
"What about it? "Felicity asked confused.
"We'll get a jewl and put it up for auction." I told them.
Felicity turned in her chair to face dig and oliver and gave them a look like this just might work.

When i came through the door my hair was curled and i was in a beautiful green dress. I saw oliver and dig and started walking over to them. "OK so how does this thing work?" Oliver asked.
"Well I put a tracking device in the bait necklace so when the doger steels it we can follow him." I explained to them feeling really proud myself because usually its oliver who comes up with most of the ideas.
"Ok, sounds good." Dig said.
Dig went one way and Oliver and I went another. I wanted to talk about our date but i thought that it would make things awkward. It has been about a week since our date and nothing has happened since. We haven't even really talk about it. I thought that it was just A one time thing and that nothing could or would happen between me and oliver. All these thoughts were running through my head but I was brought back to reality when my phone went off.
Before oliver would notice she walked away to stop him.
I ran back to see oliver and dig standing worriedly. "Guys I think we have a problem."I said trying my best to not freak out. I was absolutely terrified.
"Oh my god, felicity!" Dig and oliver said at the same time. Now my eyes were starting to get watery. "I tried to stop him by telling him that it was donated by Oliver queen and that if he wanted it he would have to bid. Then he grabbed me and put the bomb caller around my neck and said if I called the cops he would kill me."I said but through my best efforts i let a tear run down my face. "I'm going to die aren't I?" I said now more then ever realizing the problem i'm in.
"No we aren't going to let that happen." Oliver said quickly.
I quickly wiped the tear away and asked "how are you going to stop him? You don't have any of your arrow stuff." I stated.
Oliver remembered the ear pieces they are all wearing. He asked if mine was on and told me to talk to him as dig tried to disarm the bomb.
I sat there as still as i could but i was shaking in fear. "Talk to me felicity" I heard Oliver say through the ear piece. I really liked when he said that. For some reason when he said it to me it helped calm me down. "He is moving but he is moving to fast to be on foot." Oliver said through the eyepiece. I could hear that oliver took someone's motorcycle.
"I'm on a bike, what way?" Oliver asked.
"Hold on I'm hacking into the traffic cameras." I said. "Ok he is about two cars in front of you."
"Ok I have eyes on him." Oliver said.
"Turn left he is going into an ally." I directed.
When oliver got close enough he threw an arrow at the back tier of the car. Oliver slowed down as the car fliped and slid across the street.
I heard the loud noise of the accident. "Oliver, oliver are you ok?" I asked worried.
There was silence for a few seconds, Than I heard his voice
"I'm fine." I head him say.
The dodger climbed out of the car about to hit the button that would make the collar that was around My neck when oliver told him that he couldn't hit the button if he wanted to. While he was distracted Oliver through an arrow at his arm and he dropped the remote.
Oliver picked it up and hit the release
Button. The Collar around My neck opened and I let out a sigh of relief.
The dodger took out a taser like object and tried to hit oliver with it but oliver flipped it and hit the dodger with it witch made him pass out. Oliver left him there for the police to take care of.

Ok I know it has been FOREVER since I updated this story but this chapter I redid a lot so I hope u enjoyed

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