Chapter 11: the flashes

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He woke up and looked the time, it said 8:45  "damn it, I can't believe that I slept in." He jumped out if bed and got into the clothes that he had already picked out. It was the outfit that Felicity always complements him on so he thought that the first thing she sees is him in her favorite outfit of his. He was able to get out of the house by 8:53 and it only takes about 9 minutes to get the starling general, the hospital that she was at. Was just about to pull into the hospital parking garage when he realized that he forgot to put on deodorant. This day just keeps getting better, doesn't it. He remembered that there's a small shop where you can get little things like deodorant, shampoo, lotion, little every day things like that. The problem is the stuff is cheap. The deodorant is like the things you give to your nine year old who want to be like the older kids, but it will have to do.
When he walked into the room she was still asleep so he took a seat in the chair next to the bed and waited until she woke up. He had to wait about 10 minutes before she woke up. When she woke up and saw him sitting there a huge smile grew across her face.
"Hey, I didn't expect you to be here so early." She said this weakly trying to keep her eyes open.
"Why wouldn't I be here?"
"I don't know I just... Nothing." As she finished she started turning real pale and sweating really bad.
"Felicity are you ok?"  As he said this she grabbed her head as if she had a pounding headache and looking around with obvious fear in her eyes. Than she moved her hands from the side of her head to in front of her eyes. It looked like she was having some kind of panic attack but than he remembered the doctor saying about the memory flashes she might get for a few weeks. The doctor told him that there was not much that he could do so if it looked like she was having some memories just try to comfort her as much as possible.
He walked over to the bed and sat with her. He  put his arm around her and put her head on his chest and moved her hands from her face. As he held her hand he used his thumbs to make circles and the hand to try to help comfort her.
"Shh, it's ok, your ok" he comforted She began to calm down and she looked at him and he could see her beginning to cry.
"Hey, hey it's over your ok, I'm here." He said this  reassuringly
"Tell me about it. It'll help,trust me."

"Ok, it was not much and it didn't make much sense because it jumped around a lot but it was still so bad." She wiped the tear that began to run down her face.
"I saw my dad and he was hitting me, than all I saw was darkness and I was sore. Than all of a sudden I saw my mom being beaten." She began crying and she put her head into Olivers' chest. "It was terrible."
He put his hand on the back of her head and put his fingers through her hair cradling her head like a father holding a child.
Very faintly he heard her say thank you through her tears and his chest.
She lifted her head off of him and gave him a hug. This was a surprise so he jumped a little.  She gave him a kiss in the cheek and laid back on the pillow.
"Are you ok now?"

"Yeah, I think so." She wiped her face

The doctor came in the room.
"Hi, I'm  doctor Camerone." She reached her hand out to Felicity.
"We will be monitoring you for the next 24 hours and if all goes well you will be all set and ready to go."
The young doctor explained with an honest smile.
"Ok thank you doctor."
She walked out and when she got to the door she asked if Felicity needed anything and Felicity just shook her head no.

"Hear that? you will be able to leave tomorrow." You could hear the excitement in his voice . Felicity gave him a wide smile and a hug.

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