chapter 6: kidnaped

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Felicity's POV

I woke up in a small dark room. the only light was from a very small window that had bars on each side of the glass. when i tried to stand up i was pulled down by my arm which was chained to the floor. I was scared but I knew Oliver would find me.

I have been in the room for about two hours and no matter how many times i told myself Oliver and dig were going to save me i was still scared. I was starting to get cold so i sat and hugged my knees to try and stay as warm as possible. after a few minutes i heard footsteps coming closer. the door opened slowly and i saw a tall man in the doorway. I couldn't see any of his facial features but for some reason i felt as though i knew him. he grabbed me by the arm and told me, "if you tried any thing stupid I will kill you, slow and painfully." Then he took out a key and unlocked the chain that was holding me. he took my arms and grabbed a rope he put on the ground before.

"what are you doing?" I Asked terrified. he through a bag over my head and lead me to a small chair in front of a small wooden table. When I sat he chained my arms behind the chair and pulled the bag off of my head. in front of me was a black laptop.

"what is this"? I asked confused and more scared than ever.

the man had a ski mask over his head so now that i was in the light i wouldn't be able to tell who it was. the man punched me in the face and told me to stop talking.  I started crying. he punched me as hard as he could in the side of my face. "I said shut up"! the man said now yelling at me  "you talk when I ask you a question and only when I ask a question. Now, felicity do you know where you are"?  I ignored the question thinking that if I didn't answer he would take me back to the room that I was in before. I would rather be alone and cold in a dark room than in the same room as this man that kidnaped me. when I didn't answer he asked her one more time. "Felicity do you know where you are"? when I ignored him this time he punched me again but he punched so hard when he hit me the chair fell over sideways. I fell and hit my head pretty hard.  he asked me again but this time i answered. "n-no." I said weakly. I was trying so hard not to cry but i couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. "good" he said. "do you know who I am"? 

"no!" I snapped.

"oh, so now we are a tough cookie are we?" he took a metal rod that he had next to him and started hitting me. after hitting me about seven times he sat back down out of breath from hitting me so hard .
"now, will you be a good girl and answer my questions with your inside voice. do you know who I am felicity?"

"no" i said.

"and there is where you are wrong".   he pulled off his mask and when I saw his face I saw the face of my father. "Dad?"

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