Chapter 12: reassuring news

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"Thank you." Felicity smiled
"For what?" He asked wondering what she could thank him for that she already hasn't.
"For always being there for me." Before he could say anything she continued naming a few of the  things he has done for her.
"You saved my life more times than I could count, you believe in me when no one else did, and you were always there when I needed you most, and I just want to say thank you. "

Hearing her name some of the things he has done for her was a reminder of how much he cares for her and what she has done for him. "Well it's not like you never did anything for me. You showed me that I didn't need to be a killer, you led me to all of the right paths, and most importantly you are the light inside of me". These words caused her to tear up a little. When one tear fell from her face she giggled a little and wiped it away as fast as she could. "I don't know why I'm crying," she giggled. Oliver leaned Into give her a kiss. For a second there was a little hesitation from Felicity but she quickly leaned forward. They both wished they could stay this way forever; safe in one another's arms slowly and passionately kissing one one another They both felt like in each others arms nothing could ever hurt them again. Nothing would put them through the pain the have both felt.

Oliver pulled back and looked into her eyes. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her. How from the very moment he saw her he loved her. Every little thing she says to the way she walked he loved every little bit of it.
"Is something wrong?" She asked
"No, why?"
"You have your thinking face on"
"I'm just  thinking about how lucky I am. I mean I have this beautiful, strong,independent young woman sitting here in front of me and I'm proud to call her mine."
She gave him a long passionate kiss before laying her head on his right shoulder and he put his arm around her and rested his head on hers.  They laid in each others arms for a while. One of the nurses walked in and saw that Felicity has fallen asleep next to Oliver in his arms.
Oliver woke up when she was turning down the tv.
"Sorry I'd I wake you up?" The nurse asked politely.
"No your fine. Do you need me to wake her up for something. "
"No let the girl get some sleep. I mean the poor girl has been missing for almost two weeks and god knows what she has been though. And honestly sleep is the best thing for her right now so when she wakes up hit the button or go see one of the ladies from the desk and I will come back." She said this and walked out the door not wanting to disturb them anymore than she already has. Oliver laid back down and fell back to sleep.

About an hour later he woke up and saw Felicity freaking out in her sleep. She started to sweat really bad and kept mumbling the words stop it and no. Than all of a sudden she popped up breathing  real heavy and her face all red.
"Hey your ok". He said and pulled her in close to help comfort her.
"Oliver, why are you doing this. I mean going out of your way to help me." Felicity said pulling away from him to look him in his eyes. She honestly did not understand why he was doing so much for her. She wasn't complaining she did like having him there with her her. He made her feel safe and she was really great full to have him, but she wanted to know why he was the one to make her feel safe.

He wanted to tell her how much he loved her but something inside of him was telling him that Mabey she did not love him or it was to early in their relationship but something told him to say something other than those three words.
"I'm doing this because I care about you, and I want nothing else than for you to feel safe and comforted."
She looked him in the eyes for a few seconds before she finally said thanks. She than leaned in and gave him a kiss. Their lips moving perfectly in sync. Oliver pulled away slowly leaving their foreheads still together and he whispered "I'm going to get a nurse and tell them your up" she nodded her head slightly and he gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head before he got up to talk to one of the nurses.

Oliver came back and said that one of the nurses would be in a few minutes. He sat back in the seat next to her bed. The nurses came in a few minutes later and started asking her about how her head felt and about if she started remembering anything. Felicity just shook her head telling her that besides a few flashes from her dream she remembers nothing. After the few more questions she started checking things on the monitor and scribbled on the chart she had. "you will be able to check out by noon tomorrow, but you will need to come back every week or two so we can check your head and make sure that there is nothing to worry about. but for now try to get some more rest."
After giving them the news the nurse walked out of the room. Oliver gave Felicity a hug and then looked her in the eyes
"I'm so happy you could finally leave and go back to your normal life."
She gave him a wide smile and he took her back into his arms and she rested her head in the crook of his neck. "Me too" She said excitement clearly in her voice. They laid back down cuddled up together Oliver playing with her hair and her falling back to sleep in his arms.

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