Chapter 8: loosing hope

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She woke in a another dark room but this time it was different. This time there were not any windows or small light... There was nothing it was all blackness.


"Dig, we need to find her. It's been six days." Oliver tried to hold back the pain of felicity being gone by being angry. "Look man, we will find her but you can't freak out like this." Dig tried to explain to him as calmly as he could but he was worried to. "You don't want me to freak out? She is missing,dig. For all we know she is dead or dying and you don't want me to freak out!"After oliver said this dig stayed quiet. He knew he was right


She started to hear a loud scream. She couldn't recognize the voice at first but than it hit her, it was her mother. She tried to yell as loud as she could but not having much to drink and her cracked and dry lips it was not very loud. She yelled multiple times but after about four times she gave up. She collapsed to the floor and started to cry. "i'm never going to get out of here am I? Everyone probably stopped looking I mean it has been about a week and it's not like I'm a kid or even anyone important so why would they still be looking." After saying this out loud she realized that sitting here feeling sorry for herself would do nothing but make her weaker. She got up and tried to feel for anything that could have been on the floor or wall. When she stood up a loud buzzing noise went off. The noise hurt her ears and she was surrounded by the sound. She tried to put her hands to her ears but the chains were to tight. The buzzing only lasted about thirty seconds but to felicity it felt like hours. When the buzzing stopped she heard another horrific noise but this noise is something that hurt her more, this time it was her mothers screams turn to loud cries. She tried to put her head between her knees but this barely helped. She started to cry herself. She thought of the pain her mother must have been in for her screaming and crying to be this loud. The thought of this was overwhelming and so powerful it broke her down to tears wishing she could do something to help her or at least be there to try and comfort her, but instead she was forced to listen to her. She did not understand why her father was doing this, she hasn't even seen him since she was eight. She started to make a list of reasons why he is doing this. It did not help with the fact that it is her father but it helped her take her mind off the loud screaming and crying coming from her mother.
"1. He knows she is working with the arrow and wants revenge for some reason
2. He is trying to get revenge on mom because she left him so we could be safe
3. He is just crazy. Well of course he is crazy what else would make someone do something like this."
After she made the list she realized that the loud crying has stopped but that scared her. She was scared that he might have killed her or put her in so much pain she passed out. She started to wish it was her not her mom. As she was thinking about what might have happened to her mom the door opened letting the first bit of light in the room sense she woke up. The light burned her eyes but they quickly adjusted.  The man she is ashamed to call her father grabbed her by the arm unlocking the chains. He pulled the to her feet and started to push her into the next room.  He pushed her in and she fell to her knees and she heard the door slam behind her. When she looked up she saw her mother chained up to the wall. Her face, arms, and dress covered in blood. She quickly stood up to check her pulse. It was weak but it was there so she was relieved that her mom was at least alive. She saw her moms eyes start to open. She could hear her weakly ask if it was Felicity. She answered softly telling her that it was her. After hearing Felicitys voice she smiled and Felicity hugged her softly trying not to hurt her mother. Her mom asked if she was alright and when Felicity told her that she was fine just a swollen lip and a few cuts and bruises. Her mon smiled knowing that she was not that badly hurt. The smile quickly turned into a deep breath and her telling Felicity that they were going to be okay and that they needed to be strong and people are looking and are going to come for them. Felicity looked down "are they really going to find us before its to late?"

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