chapter 9: bringing her home

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"they will find us, honey. you just can't loose hope." she spoke softly trying to comfort Felicity as much as possible in their situation. right after she gave her a hug she felt someone grab her off of her mom and start dragging her out of the room. she tried to yell but the hand over her moth just made it sound like muffled noises. the last thing she saw before she was out of the room was her mother yelling and trying to get to her but the chains holding her to the wall was to tight to move.

When The door closed and locked felicity was pushed to the floor. She landed on an old stained carpet. she was quickly picked back up and she hit the wall. this time she hit her head and when she put her and to cover where she was hit the could feel something wet and warm on her hand. when she looked she could she her whole hand was covered in blood from how hard her head was slammed against the wall. she was put into a chain and tied up. He put a computer in her face and when he turned it on she could see her mother. she looked at her father confused on why he was showing her this but he put her head back and told her if she moved again he would tie her head to the back of the chair. when she looked at the screen she saw another man in the room with her mom. the man pulled out a knife and slowly started to cut down the side of her check. although she could not hear her mother screaming she could tell by the look on her face she was in a lot of pain. seeing this made he turn her head away from the computer. Because of this her father grabbed her checks and said " you should have listened to me". he took a piece of leather and threw her head back. She tried to fight back but the more she fought the harder he would pull the strap making the leather strap tighter on her forehead. She was now forced to watch her mother being tortured by her father. The tears ran down her face uncontrollably as she watched her mothers silent screams. The man turned around and she could see the mans face covered in her mothers blood. When the man finally stopped she could see the cuts up and down her face, arms, and legs.  The man gave the camera a slight head nod and it went dark. "No, let me see her!" She tried to yell but the heaviness of her tears block almost any way of understanding what she said. She tried to yell again but she was shut up by a piece of cloth put in her mouth and tied around the back of her head. She looked over with her eyes to see her father standing next to her with a large needle with a greenish blue liquid in it. He began to slowly push the liquid into her neck when the door was slammed open. She could see The arrow. He pushed all the liquid into her neck and could immediately feel the pain. It was the worst pain she has ever felt. She started screaming in pain and she could see dig running in the direction of her mother and Oliver was in the middle of a fight with her father. For the first time in what felt like forever she had hope. She missed hope so much and now that Oliver was there she hoped that she would never have to lose it again. When Oliver was finally able to knock out her father he untied the belt that held her to the chair starting with the one over her mouth and than her head and last her arms and legs. She tried to get up but she collapsed from the pain. She screamed in pain and Oliver could not bare to listen to her to her loud wailing. She looked over and saw dig leading Donna to them. When she saw Felicity she tried to run to her as fast as she could. When she gave her a hug Felicity screamed louder in pain. Donna was confused and sorry for her. The slightest movement put Felicity in excruciating pain, the problem is that it is not enough to knock her out.

Oliver tried to pick her up and carry her to safety but as soon as he touched her she began to scream again.  Every touch felt like her bones were being shattered. Oliver leaned over to Dig and whispered "what are we supposed to do, we can't move her?"  Dig shrugged, "I don't know man."
Oliver slowly walked toward Felicity and told her that she was going to be ok but that what he was about to do was going to hurt a lot. She looked at him and said weakly "do what you have to, just get me out of here."
He gave her a small pill "this will help a bit but the pain will still be more than bad."  She took the pill and Oliver lifted her up off the ground. The pain was still the worst she ever felt but she did not scream she just tightly held onto his green jacket as tight as she could.
  He took her to the hospital and she was taken to I.C.U and they put her in a chemically induced coma until  the drugs flush out of her system. When he was there her was not dressed like the arrow it was just Oliver Queen. The doctors told him that when she woke up they weren't sure what she would remember but it's more than likely that her brain made her forget but to keep a close eye on her because she might start having flashes or nightmares about what happened. The doctor also said that if got to bad to come back to see them and they will see what they should do. After telling him this they told him that because he was not family he had to go because visiting hours were over but he could come back at eight to see her.

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