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~"Irresistible"~ _Fall Out Boy_

~.: De's P.o.V :.~

I walked into the infirmary room as Aria walked past me to go tuck Bella into bed. Nightwing and Kid Flash lay on separate infirmary beds, both unconscious but still breathing. The sight of Nightwing passed out was enough to bring my heart to a stuttering halt. Quietly, I anxiously make my way to his bedside and sit on the edge of the bed, placing a shy hand on his chest softly.

"Please be ok,..." I murmured, biting my bottom lip in anxiety as I gazed at his peaceful expression on his charming face. I just met him earlier today and he's now my mentor. And yet, I've discovered that I'm quite fond of the Boy Wonder. I love him.

I let out a soft sigh and get off the bed so I can sit in the waiting chair at his bedside. I'll wait for him to wake up, I decided as I carefully sit down in the seat. My gaze stays on the steady rise and fall of Nightwing's chest, assuring me that my mentor and crush will be just fine. I smile a little and settle into my chair, readying myself for a long night...

**sometime later**

I open my eyes blearily, feeling stiff and cramped for some reason. Where am I? I thought hazily as I stretch out my stiffened muscles. My eyes land on the infirmary bed where Dick Grayson is laying and everything comes rushing back to me in a flash.

"I FELL ASLEEP! I WAS SUPPOSED TO WATCH OVER NIGHTWING! AGH, WAY TO GO INNER CLOCK!" I hissed under my breath, face palming myself in agitation. 

"Watch over me?"

I freeze, hearing the husky voice of my charming mentor.

"I think I can handle myself, Wishing Well," I blush as Nightwing sits up carefully in his infirmary bed. He grunts, wincing slightly as he grits his teeth in discomfort.

"Nngh," he huffs as he shifts a bit and I see that he has long scrapes along his abdomen that have torn through his suit to pierce his skin, "Dammit...Ivy's vines," he growled irritated as he frowned with distaste. 

I snapped my gaze from the raw scratches and swiftly crossed the room to the medicine cabinet for something to treat the scrapes.

"Hey, don't worry about these! They're just nicks! They're not bleeding," Nightwing protested as I walk back to his side with a swab of alcohol to dap on the scratches and a small tube of Neosporin. I smirked.

"Small cuts or not, they could get infected~," I chime as I sit on the edge of his infirmary bed, "Now lay back so I can treat them..-Or is the Great Nightwing going to fight his apprentice?" I daringly tease as I give him a challenging smirk.

He rolls his eyes, and reluctantly obeys, his gaze following my hands as I expertly move the loose material of his suit around the wound out of the way. I get distracted by the toned muscles of his abdomen after I've disinfected his scrapes and Nightwing notices. He smirks mischievously at me as I tear my gaze quickly from his muscles.

"Like what you saw?" He teased me, his smirk broadening into an overconfident grin.

"Sh-shut up, Wing-Bat," I pout at him, my face turning bright red as he sits up once more.

He smiles that charming smile of his and places a hand on my shoulder, "Thanks. For cleaning my cuts," he says gratefully and then he kisses my cheek. I froze, my eyes widening at him in response.

"Whaaaaa????!!!!" I nearly squeal/ screech in embarrassment, causing Nightwing to start laughing that cackle of his which wakes up Kid Flash. 

"Dude. It's too early for the screaming and the fangirling crap," Wally grumbles,burying his head in his pillow.

"Ah, shuddup, grumpy red head," Nightwing chuckles as he grabs his pillow and throws it at his best friend's head.

"NOT COOL, MAN!" Wally snaps playfully, throwing the pillow back at Nightwing though it hits me instead. I squeak in surprise as the pillow hits my face.

Suddenly the door to the infirmary opens and Dick and Wally stop their horseplay to see Aria walk into the room, looking ready to bite off someone's ear.

"Hey,babe!" Kid Flash calls out, his emerald eyes gleaming with happiness as his girlfriend hurries to his side and showers him with loving kisses.

"Ewwwww," Nightwing and I gag in mock disgust as Aria french kisses the red head speedster, "This is an infirmary for sick or injured team mates; not a room for random make outs," Nightwing grumbles moodily at seeing his little sister kissing his best friend so heated in front of him.

"Oh, hush up, dick head. Go have sex with De," Aria snaps at her older brother, giving him a cold stare.

"EHHHH?!!!" I squeak, my face turning a million shades of red. Aria looks at me apologetically.

"No offense, Little Wish. Love ya,girly~" she chirps then she goes back to smooching with Kid Flash. Nightwing opens his mouth to argue but thinks better of it.

"I'm getting a coffee," he huffs moodily then leaves the Infirmary. I blush and dart after him.


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