See You Again

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"See You Again" _ Charlie Puth

~.: Nightwing's PoV :. ~ 

At the sound of Wally's yell, I cut off my conversation with De about the newcomer and raced toward the Infirmary. Aria's heart monitor was sparking out again and this time it seemed as though she were struggling to rouse herself from her coma. Startled, I darted to her beside and carefully gripped one of her hands.

"Tim, go get Miss M!" I snapped hurriedly, "I need her to check Aria's vitals!" Tim breaks away from Kayla reluctantly and rushes out of the room down the hall, almost knocking De off her feet as he sped by. Moments afterwards, Tim returned with a worried looking Miss Martian at his heels. She wasted no time in rushing to Aria's side.

"Everyone stand back, I need room to concentrate. And not a sound out of anyone while I check her signs," She ordered, placing one gloved hand on Aria's forehead. I dipped my head to Miss M and stood back, Wally and De doing the same as M'Gann touched her free left hand to her left temple and closing her eyes in deep concentration.

After a second, Miss Martian'S eyes flew open, glowing vibrant green with her telepathic power. Suddenly De cried out, grabbing her skull between her hands as she nearly fell to her knees.

"De?!" I yelped, catching her before she could fall over. She leans limply on me, panting softly.

I narrow my eyes and am about to say something to her when Miss M snaps out of her telepathic state.

"Aria's vitals are stable. But only just," she reports, then looks over at De who is leaning weakly on my shoulder,"Somehow Deanna got pulled into my telepathic link. Are you alright?" She asks my girlfriend. Deanna nods a little and I looked at her with concern.

Suddenly the monitor spazzes once more and I strode to My sister's side, taking both of her hands in my gloved ones.

"Aria, please wake up!" I cried softly as Wally hovers close behind me. Aria is shaking violently and sweat begins to form on her face as she let's out soft pitiful whimpers.

"Babe, please don't do this to me!" Wally says panicking a little as Miss Martian checks out Deanna to make sure she is alright after the telepathic mishap. I frowned as I sat on the bed side and hugged Aria tightly.

Please don't take her from me, I thought to my parents. I know I have been hard on her, but please! I need her! She's one of the last few links I have to you guys! As my thoughts begin to spiral out of control, tears suddenly escape my eyes and I bend my head down to Aria's so that my forehead rests on hers.

Everything is quiet for more than a few moments. Wally nudges me slightly and I get up for him to take my seating place beside my sister when suddenLY I felt Aria's grip harden around mine.

"N-...nightwing....?" A croak sounds from Aria's mouth. I whipped my head around to look sharply at a slowly rising Aria.

"Aria Michelle...!" I stuttered then I brought her into a tight hug. She moans in discomfort.

"You're squishing me, you big dumb bird," she grunts playfully in a weak voice. I smirk but loosen my arms around her weak frame.

"I thought you were going to leave me," I told her softly after our hugging session was over. She coughs a few times and weakly grins.

"Im not leaving just yet. No matter how much I know you wish I would sometimes..." she trails off softly. I blinked at my sister.

"Aria, even if you do drive me crazy, I'd never wish for you to die!" I scolded her seriously as Wally pulls her into a loving embrace. Aria's ice blue eyes fill with tears.

"I love you, Dick-head." She whispered softly as she tried to manage a good natured scoff. I grinned as De managed to walk over to us.

"Don't ever scare us like that again!" Deanna laughs tearfully as she steals a bear hug from Aria. Wally playfully shoves De away and kisses Aria passionately.

"We all love you, Aria," I smiled softly,"And to be honest, I'd miss your screamING at me." I added with a soft chuckle. Aria smirked weakly and rolled her eyes as she layed back down in her infirmary bed.

"Love you guys too," she said peacefully.


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