Good Little Girl, Bad Little Boy

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*~"Do It For Her/ Him"~*

_Steven Universe_

*.:~De's P.o.V.~:.*

Nothing was happening in the Cave at the moment since Nightwing had left with his squad to rescue Bella and Alana from their captor so I decided that I would take a nice shower while they were gone. Aria wasn't paying any attention to me and neither was Tim so they didn't notice me stand and leave the room.

In no rush, I made my way to my room at a leisurely speed and once at my door, I stepped inside, closing my door behind me. I looked around my new room curiously. 

"I'll need to decorate and personalize this room when I get the chance, " I murmured as I walked toward my bathroom. Opening the bathroom door, I stepped into my bathroom, skillfully slipping my jeans off. As I got closer to the shower/tub, I pull my shirt over my head and, along with my jeans, toss it into the dirty laundry basket by the bathroom door. 

I then push back the shower curtains and switch on the water knobs to the right temperature and pressure setting. Before I get in, I step back, remove my small bakini underwear, and then ease my breasts out of my jet-black bra. I look over my bare rignt shoulder at the full-body length mirror not far from me and the tub. Out of habit, I examined my frame in the mirror and bit my lip anxiously. 

How could Nightwing, let alone anyone like me..I found myself thinking as I let out a displeased sigh and stepped into the marble shower.

Quietly, I fixed the showerhead and drain so that I could take a bath, and sat down, waiting for the water to reach my preferred level. Once the water was up to just above my belly, I began to scrub my hair while humming softly.

As I washed my hair, I began to think of Nightwing again, causing myself to start biting my lip in anxiety once more. I frowned down at my reflection in the water as I rinse the shampoo out of my hair.

(Warning! NSFW Ahead!)

Fierce wanting coarsed through me as I lightly scrub my legs with soap and rinse them in the water. Sighing, I shaved then continued scrubbing the rest of my body. I ran the soap bar along my every curve, imagining that Nightwing's hand was running down my frame. My eyes closed in pleasure as I mentally pictured the Boy Wonder whispering sweet nothings into my ear. If only I were his...

My gaze, half-shut, flutters down to my lower body and I blushed, suddenly chewing my bottom lip wantingly. Surely just an experimental touch would ease my needs...I thought softly to myself. Closing my eyes, I pictured Nightwing's sexy grin and imagined his husky voice in my ear while I let my hands wander down to my nether-regions. As I stroke and gently prod at myself, I let out a soft whimper.

"Nightwing..." I murmured needingly, working my fingers swiftly. Suddenly there's a knock at my door and I jump from the fright that the noise gave me.

"Hey, De! You done daydreaming about my annoying big bro in there?" Aria's voice chuckled from the other side of the door. I groaned, and clambered out of the tub, pulling the drain so the remaining water would drain. 

"Jerk,"I playfully grunt, wrapping my small frame in my towel before opening my bathroom door to see Nightwing's sister in my bedroom, walking around judgementally.

"Have you not decorated your room yet? Yeesh, needs more color," she complained, her ice blue gaze playful as she looks over at me while I pull a shirt and jeans from my side-drawer in my nightstand beside my bed.

"Well, duh," I replied, smirking to myself as I look over at her. She rolls her eyes.

"Once you're dressed, we are so giving this room of yours a make over," She chimed before walking out so as to give me privacy to change. I rolled my eyes amusedly to myself. How could someone as salty and dramatic as Aria be related to someone as calm and sexy as Nightwing~

I inwardly swooned over the thought of the Boy Wonder in my room, laying across my mattress with that devilish smirk across his lips.

.:Nightwing's PoV:.

I cornered Bane while my other teammates dealt with Poison Ivy and her stupid plants.

"Holding toddlers hostage? Didn't think you'd stoop that low, Bane!" I snarled as I rushed him, my eskrima sticks pulsing with electrical sparks as they connected with his skin more than once.

"Haha, niño, you'd be surprised what I'll do for some dineros!" He scoffed as he swung to punch me in the jaw. I flipped away from him but he grabbed me by my collar and threw me across the room.

"Ack!" I landed with a thump on the tile floor and tried to sit up, only to have Bane step on my chest.

"Lights out, niño," he growled before everything blacked out.

.:Kid Flash's P.o.V:.

"Nightwing! Dammit," I cussed as I dodged one of Ivy's damned vines, "Zaria! Call for back up! We need to hurry up and get Bella and Alana ba-Oof!" I yelped as Poison Ivy suddenly knocked me to the floor, straddling my lap, and grasping my collar as she sneered down at me.

"Normally this would be pretty hot," I huffed as I struggle under her weight,"But this is just plain weird!" She rolled her eyes and suddenly pulls me into a furious kiss. I pushed her off, my eyes widening as I rapidly tried to wipe off her kiss.

"Shit! Did she kiss you, KF?!" Jason snarled, as he fights Bane. I can't answer as blackness envelopes my sight. The last thing I saw was Poison Ivy's sneering grin and then I passed out...

.:De's PoV:.

I sighed as I met up with Aria in the den where Tim was trying to track the rescue team.

"Any sign of them?" Aria asked Robin, worried mostly for Wally obviously. Tim shook his head anxiously.

"I can't tag them...I hope Zaria and Alana are okay..."He murmured softly, his eyes narrowed. I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure they're fine," I assured him softly, though I was worried for Nightwing. Suddenly the holo-screen beeped with a contact request from Zaria. Tim clicked on it and video footage of Zaria requesting back up showed up. 

"Both KF and Nightwing are passed put! Send Midnight Storm and Nightwish now!" she demanded before the footage cut off.

Aria and I gasped and rushed to change into our hero suits.

"Please be alright," I murmured quietly, my thoughts on the Boy Wonder as Aria and I raced to our motorcycles and rushed to meet Zaria and the others before it was too late.


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