She's my sister...

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•It's been a while•


.:~Aria's P.O.V.:~

I jumped at the sound of the little scream.

"Izzy..." I breathed.

I jumped out of Wally's arms and charged towards the little scream. Dashing around the corner, I collided with Night and De.

"Aria?" De coughed,getting off the ground.

"YOU were supposed to be watching her Dick!" I snarled, pushing past them both.

"Don't pin this on me!" He snapped back,following after me with De at his side.

"If she's missing, you can bet I will."

We skidded to a stop as we got to the room where the scream had come from, but there was no Bella anywhere.

"Son of a bi-"

"You are a horrible brother! You were supposed to be watching her!" I cried, slapping Dick across his face.

"Aria! Dick! Now is NOT the time for this." De complained,pulling me back away from my brother.

"Like you can keep an eye on her better?!" He grumbled, running a gloved hand over the place where I had hit him.

"I can do better actually!"

"Aria! Dick! Both of you shut up!" De yelled, now getting in between us.

I shot a death glare towards her and could feel rage filling my veins. Before I knew it my body had lifted into the air, my eyes had gone sky blue, and the ground began to shake beneath De and Dick.

"Oh my..." De breathed, falling back onto Night.

"Why is the ground shaking?!" Wally asked,running into the room.

I shot lightning bolts towards my brother,causing everyone in the room to jump.

"Aria!" Wally yelped,"What did y'all do to her?!"

"Nothing! She's mad at Nightwing!" De stated, grabbing Dicks hand.

.:~Wally's P.O.V.:~

I slowly walked towards Aria and tried to reach for her hand,but couldn't reach it.

"Aria..Baby..We need to find Bella. She needs her big sister right now." I breathed.

I watched as the ground stopped shaking and Aria's eyes went back to normal. I leaned in to catch her as she fell in my arms.

"Let's go find Bella!"

I shook my head and placed her on the ground, shooting a look towards Dick before following Aria.

"Poison Ivy took Bella!" Kenzie yelped,running down the hall.

"Kenz go get Kayla. We are going to get her." Aria ordered.

"I'm the leader of this team and I say Wally,De, Tim, and I will go get her." Dick stated.

"Your the reason she's gone in the first place, so no. You are staying your bird butt right here." Aria snarled, fixing her utility belt around her waist.

"Aria Michelle Gray-"

"No! That's my little sister you lost!"

"She's my sister to!"

"Well apparently she doesn't mean much if she went missing on YOUR watch!"

"Aria!" De gasped.

"Where are we going?" Kayla asked,running into the room.

"Poison Ivy has my sister..." Aria quietly said.

"I'm going  with you guys." Tim and I said at the same time.

"No...both of you stay here and make sure Alana doesn't go missing." Aria firmly said, kissing me softly.

.:~ Makayla's P.O.V.:~

I kissed Tim with full passion as Aria did the same to Wally. She gave a final hard death glare towards her brother and then we were on our way to get Bella.

"What are you going to do between Bella and Night?" Kayla asked.

"Well...he can't be alone with her and De will be in charge of her when I'm not there." I replied, rushing to find my sister.

"That's his sister to Ar..." Kenzie quietly stated.

"Yea well he's the reason she's missing." I snapped, "Let's just focus on finding Bella."

"Hopefully we won't need back up..." Kayla mumbled.

"Aria...what if she takes us three to...then what?"

"We will get ahold of Wally,De,Tim,Impulse and Dart."

"No Nightwing?"

"Hell no..he's done enough."

.:~Wally's P.O.V.:~

I paced back and fourth through the MB room. Tim was leaned against the wall while Erika held Lana in her arms.

"Dick...shouldn't they be back by now?" Erika breathed.

"Give them some time...if we receive no update then...Aria left a clear message on who will go after them."

"Erika you will stay here with Dick and Lana. Make sure she doesn't go missing to." Tim grumbled.

"Bella going missing was not my fault!" Dick yelled, slamming his fists down on the table.

"Really? Where was she then! Who responsibility was she! Your parents would be ashamed!" Tim growled, getting in Nights face.

"You shouldn't of said that.." Dick snarled.

I watched as Dick tackled Tim and the two started to try and kill one another.

"Whoa!!" I yelled!

"Guys stop!" Erika cried, covering Lana's eyes.

"Get them apart!" De yelped, trying to pull Nightwing but getting elbowed in the nose.

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