Jelly much?

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"Zara Larsson"

.:~Aria's P.O.V.~:.

I finally found Makayla and Mackenzie sitting outside, Kenz was laying on Kayla's shoulder staring into the sky.

"She ok?" I asked, sitting beside Kayla.

"Yea, she feels horrible about what happened. She didn't even want to kiss him nor did she kiss back."

"Kenzie. No one is mad at you, I promise!" I chirped, resting my hand on her knee.

" What was Impulse all excited about?" Kenzie asked, not looking away from the sky.

"Freaking newbie...and she's Wally's sidekick..." I grumbled.

"Aria Michelle Grayson! Chilllll, you are having his baby." Kayla giggled, smacking me on the head.

"Ow! No, I won't chill!" I giggle a little,"Wally is a flirt and he doesn't mean to, but I don't want her getting the wrong idea. Her face blushed when he came into the room to meet her."

"What does De and your brother think?" Kenzie asked, picking her head up.

"They are chill,but De likes everybody. She is just that kind of person." I shrugged, turning around as a stick broke.

"Hey ladies." Wally smirked, coming up behind us.

"Hey Wally. We were just talking about you." Kayla smiled, looking over at me.

"Good or bad things...."

"Just girl stuff." I mumbled, getting up and walking back into the hideout.

.:~Makayla's P.O.V.:~

"What's her problem?" Wally asked as Aria walked off.

"She's not a big fan of your sidekick,Dart." Kenzie stated also starting to get up.

"Oh good grief....I'm planning to propose to Aria. Dart and I are just friends."

"Well then propose...but for your sake...try NOT to flirt with Dart." I added,standing beside my sister.

"Bubbbby." Lana whined, rubbing her eyes.

I looked over by the entrance and Tim's younger sister was standing by the door. Must of came out looking for him when Aria went in.

"Excuse me." I smiled, going over to Lana and picking her up, "Want me to take you to your bubby?"

The little girl nodded,laying her head on my shoulder.

I started into the hideout and searched for Robin.

"Makayla!!" De called, a girl following behind her.

"Have you met Dart?" She smiled.

"Uh no,but I've heard of her." I replied, smiling softly towards Dart.

"Leme guess....Aria?" De asked.

"Yup, hey have you seen Robin?"

"Yes, he's with Erika."

"Thanks!" I responded, heading towards Erika's room.

"She'll come back...right?" Erika sniffled.

I gently knocked on the door, receiving two sets of bright green eyes on me.

"Hey Kayla." Robin smiled, walking towards me.

"Hey...Um...Alana is tired and wants her bubby." I quickly said,trying not to blush like a idiot at his presence.

I handed him his sister and started to head out but stopped when I felt a gloved hand around my arm.

"Erika,will you take Lana to bed?" He smirked at me.

I watched as his older, younger sister took the baby to her room. Closing the door behind her, as soon as we were alone I felt his lips press against mine.

" my girlfriend." He smiled in between kisses.

"Y..yes." I blushed hard, wrapping my arms around his neck and he kissed me more passionately.

.:~Aria's P.O.V.:~

I  was hanging  upside down from my bed when I saw Wally walk into my room. Flipping upright onto my belly, I fixed my hair.


"I'm sorry I don't like Dart." I interrupted.

"Baby it's fine, I wanna show you something."

Before I could speak the speedster raced off, leaving me to have to go find him.

"Wally...ugh!" I giggled, racing to go find him.

"It felt like forever but once I stepped outside my eyes rested on Wally who was on one a heart made of roses with the sun setting behind him.

"Aria Michelle Grayson..I love you so very much and I never want to be apart. Will you marry me?"

I erupted into tears and ran into his arms.

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" I squealed as he spun me around.

I blushed as he slid the engagement ring onto my finger, pushed my hair behind my ear and kissed me in the middle of the heart with the sunset.

"Now we have to tell the others." I smiled.

"Hell we are having a baby,surly us getting married won't cause anything." Wally chuckled, kissing me again," You still jealous of Dart?"

"I was never jealous! Just didn't like her...but no....I feel better. I have you as my future husband and the father of my child. She can't get that from you." I giggled, resting my head on his chest.

"Gah I love you." He laughed, kissing the top of my head.

" I loooove you to."

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