If I Die Young

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"If I Die Young"_ The Band Perry

~.: De's PoV :. ~ 

I sighed as I finally felt the wine leaving my system. I guess I'm sobered up almost... I thought quietly as I sat up in my bed, holding my throbbing skull. 

"Ughhh.." I moaned softly, rubbing my forehead as I stumbled over to my mirror, "I need an aspirin.."I mumbled, looking at my reflection. With a soft sigh, I walked out of my room down the hall and toward the infirmary. In the med bay, I spotted Nightwing and Wally hovering near Aria's bedside worriedly holding either of her hands. Drawing a sharp breath, I dashed forward to Nightwing's side.

"What's going on?" I asked him anxiously as my gaze takes in Aria's still pale expression.

"Shes dying..."Wally says almost quietly, his emerald eyes glassy with tears that he tried hard to hold back.

My body felt light, and I felt as though the blood in my veins had turned to ice as I shakily leaned on Nightwing's shoulder. Tim was standing beside Kayla's bedside, shaking violently.

"Aria...please don't leave me....please....we need you....Nightwing, De, and I...We all love you....please don't leave us...."Wally whispers, bending over to kiss Aria's ear softly. Tears pricked my eyes as I began to tremble.

"Aria, you're my best friend!" I cried frantically,"What am I going to do if you leave me? Who's going to help me when I'm upset..."I whimpered as Nightwing pulled my shaking form close to him.

The heart monitors hooked up beside both dying girls only slowed further and caused Tim to rush out of the room, not daring to utter a single word. Nightwing ran a stressed gloved hand through his hair.

"All we can do is wait..." he murmurs softly, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

~.: Impulse's PoV :. ~ 

As Delilah and I played five nights at freddy's in the den,  Acacia and her little son walked in and sat on the couch. Zack raced after Zaria shortly only to be yelled at by Jason. 

"AW come on, guys!" I cried out, "We were playing a game peacefully and now you all have to ruin the quiet?!" I facepalmed myself.

Dart laughed softly and shook her head.

"This coming from the loudest mouth on the team," she giggles playfully. I pouted at her and she blushed that adorable blush of hers. Not thinking about it,  I found my self leaning forward and kissing her cheek. She stiffened, her face burning bright pink at me and I froze.

What did I just do?!

Acacia smirked slightly but remembers Jackson in her arms and covers his eyes which caused him to wail in protest. Jason looked over at me and Delilah as he held Zaria away from Zack.

"Why is everyone on this team hormonal now adays?" Jason laughs softly only to receive an annoyed punch from Acacia as she walked past him into the kitchen for a sippy cup to give to Jackson. I blushed profusely and Dart did the same. 

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