53. Tear-Jerker

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53. Tear-Jerker: Watch a movie that makes you cry. Write a poem about that scene in the movie.


A woman with life in her eyes

And a man with love for life.

Years pass as a stream,

As a lost but free kite.

Hopes are dreams never realized,

Undulating in swirls of mist.

Smiles stretch even so,

Without a granting of dearest wish.

A couple as close as eternity,

Ripped apart by time,

Broken, shattered, misled,

Without reason or rhyme.

A lifeless man alone

Footsteps echoing around him,

In a once beloved house

Where the two of them lived.

The days have broken their legs;

They walk with syrupy pace.

While he sits and watches the clouds

He did of old  chase.

In search of his heart,

He finds what once held hers.

He escapes himself,

Where each day is a war.

He did not discover Heaven;

It was not hidden within skies.

He had been taught to believe,

And that belief led to lies.

But he looked endlessly

In desperate madness

For the creature of life

He so dearly missed.


A/N: Originally, the writers for Up planned to have Carl mourning and the balloons were his attempt to join Ellie in the sky. Then one them was like, "What is wrong with us?" And they changed it because they thought it might be too sad. It was sad enough as it was. I was crying within the first few minutes of that movie...

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