123. Your Bed

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123. Your Bed: Describe where you sleep each night.

This was the last time. There never would be another. She would never stay here again, with this mindset, with this life. For tomorrow, she would be gone. The girl was leaving in the morning, and in her place would be a woman.

She was growing up, and this was her last night's sleep in her bedroom before she moved out.

She had cried earlier, not because she was sad; but because she knew she would be. She would be sad when she was sick and and never again would she receive the same care. She would be sad when the lights turned off and there was no one but her. She would be sad to sleep without waking up to her family.

The end was near.

She didn't cry now though. She stayed still and silent and wished for more time... yet less time had been her constant wish through the years.

Her bed was soft, and climbing into it at night had always been like sinking into safeness and surety. How many Saturday mornings had she spent lazing in it? Those were gone.

So many things were gone, and she didn't know enough to say farewell to them...

There are so many simple pleasures in life that we oftentimes forget that they exist. We are so accustomed to the enjoyment of them that it's quite shocking when they are taken away.

This was different. She gave them away. She forsook her rights to them, but that did not mean she wouldn't miss them.

She would. It was different though.

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