174. Gloves

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174. Gloves: Write about a pair of gloves - what kind of gloves are they? Who wears them and why?

Once day a girl lost her glove. It was a black glove. Black as she considered her own self to be.

This girl didn't only wear black. But it was definitely her preferred color to clothe herself in. It was simple and she didn't care for other colors.

She lost her glove on the bus. She had taken it off to send a text. It was hard to text with a layer of fuzzy cloth between your finger and the touch screen. When she got off the bus, her glove was gone and in the rush to get off the bus, she did not have time to lose it.

Whatever. It was just a glove. She could buy another pair for a mere $3. Whatever.

But someone didn't think it was so small a deal. Her brother. As different from her as light is from dark, never quite in the same place, but always next to each other. He wore gloves too, but his were white.

He gave her one of his gloves. She refused. But brothers have a way of getting their sisters to do what they want. At the end of the day, she went home wearing one black glove and one white glove. He went home wearing no gloves and claiming he was toughing it out.

She found her glove under her seat later. But she didn't give the white glove back. She liked it.

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