142. Furniture

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142. Furniture: Write about a piece of furniture in your home.

Stage one: We need a couch. Our couch is old, it smells rotten, it's sagging in all ghe wrong places, there's probably some dead bugs trapped within its fibers -- we've got to get rid of this thing.

Stage two: Ooh, look at this couch! This is nice! Do you like the -- okay, sheesh, no need to make that face. You don't like polka dots, I get it. Fine, what about this one? Hey, this is actually pretty comfortable. Come try this. I'm right, huh?

Stage three: No one wants our old couch. We might as well set it on the curb with a FREE, PLEASE TAKE IT sign. The more I look at it, the more I hate it. The new furniture is arriving in just a few days. We've got to get rid of this piece of junk.

Stage four: How about on this side? No... because then it clashes with the curtains. Maybe angle it... no, more than that.  More than that. More... ah, no, like this. Do I have to do everything myself?

Stage five: No, you are not allowed to sit on the couch! Absolutely not! You'll get it dirty. This couch is purely for decoration. Don't you dare put your feet up on it, and don't you dare let the dog jump up on it.

Stage six: Yes, you're exactly right, only company can sit upon the couch, thank you for noticing.

Stage seven: No! You can't eat food! Go back into the kitchen right now!

Stage eight: Okay... fine... we can make a fort. Help me get the cushions.

Stage nine: Come on, lay down in the couch, where I can keep an eye on you. That's right, lay your head down. Let me get you a blanket. And maybe a puke bowl...

Stage ten: I like the moments, like these, when it's just us and the dog all snuggled up on the couch. It feels like home. It feels like mine.

Stage eleven: I know, our new kitten is climbing all over the couch. But it's already messed up anyway. There's not much else we can do to fix it. We might as well let her play.

Stage twelve: This couch is terrible-looking. How did it get so old? Didn't we just buy it? Oh... are you sure? It's hard to believe that it's seven years old...

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