71. Famous Artwork

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71. Famous Artwork: Choose a famous painting and write about it.

The Lady and the Unicorn

A lady fine, in a forest fair, came upon a unicorn

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A lady fine, in a forest fair, came upon a unicorn.

Intent and ready was he, and with nobility standing by.

By the trees of seasons, he approached on timid feet.

The lady took hold of his horn with firm hand.

He stared at her as sun stares upon you.

Is she gentle as falling leaves?

Or do spikes mean battle?

Or do spikes mean battle?

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Came a servant upon them

To witness the seduction,

With faithful pup watching him.

The breeze brings memories,

And the unicorn rears,

Shards of remembrance in his ears.

Shards of remembrance in his ears

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Taste of the berries

Licks of sin

Erect stands the unicorn

In the seasonal wind

A world within one

Fruit of trees send

Fruit of trees send

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Coy shall she be

As strings upon the lyre

Played with grace and love

Of planes growing higher.

Shy he shall be,

Yet his eyes on her do see.

The mirror shows him false places

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The mirror shows him false places

It hides his false faces.

It it she that he loves

Or it the way she loves?

Noble lion, look away

From the lady's way.

The lady bids goodbye

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The lady bids goodbye

Or maybe she greets hello.

She puts away her jewels

To the unicorn's infinite woe;

Yet she removes them anon

And resings her song

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