91. Family Heirloom

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91. Family Heirloom: Write about an object that's been passed through the generations in your family.

A necklace of golden hue

Gracing the youthful bloom

Of a girl clad in white --

The very opposite of night.


Delicate ivory lines

Cut as thin and fine

As the flutter of a wings

Or when the morning bird sings.


Traced with small hands

The golden thread withstands

The virulent test of hours

And the withering if flowers


Dead, is it not

Yet unable to rot

An object of being

A soul without seeing


Its life is in the hands

On which is lightly lands

Should the love given it be lost

Then its value is better tossed


A necklace of small worth

I shall say that first

A piece of great value

And of preciousness too

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