198. Interview

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198. Interview: Write based on a recent interview you've read or seen on TV or heard on the radio.

So recently I did an interview for the main character in my fantasy novel, While Escaping Fate. It was a great exercise and let me get to know her better. Also, I started planning the sequel tonight, and can I just say? THE CREATIVITY FLOWED. It was amazing. I had thought I would have some trouble, since I wasn't even 50% sure of where I was going with the sequel, but I think that interview really helped. SO instead of a story, I'm going to offer you guys a chance to interview your characters as a quick writing exercise. Also, tomorrow we're going to be hitting that 200 day mark -- a little late, but nevertheless we're going to reach it! So, like I did with the 100 day mark, tell me if you would prefer a meaningful story, a funny story, a descriptive story, a poem, etc. -- or tell me a story in here you'd like to see a sequel to? I'll do my best to make it fit in with the prompt. Much love and thank you thank you THANK YOU for reading my nonsense. 😙


1. First off, what's your name and age?

2. What do you look like?

3. What do you think of yourself? Good? Bad? Middling?

4. I bet you have secrets. We all do. But what's your deepest, darkest one?

5. Your best memory?

6. Your worst?

7. What's the most important: love, justice, or kindness? Why do you say?

8. What do you think of the life you've been given?

9. Your idol?

10. Why do you idolize him/her?

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