Phoenix High: Aphmau

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The bus stops and so does the yelling everything is silent.

Laurance: don't say anything.

Aphmau: why?

Laurance: The principal Mr. Hayden he used to be the Lord of Metli but quit to follow Cadanza and I to high school.


The principal gets in the bus and starts talking about how we should act and stuff then he notices me probably because i'm sitting next to Laurance.

Hayden: Who are you? Are you the new student? *points at Aphmau*

Aphmau: Yes sir.

Hayden: Ok. Go to the main office Laurance will take you there.

Aphmau: *blush* Yes sir.

Hayden: It must be hot in here because your red. Anyways...Blah Blah Blah.....

He finally finishes and we all get off the bus Laurance, Dante, Cadenza, Garroth, Kawaii~Chan and I talk for a while the Laurance looks at me.

Larance: I better take you to the office before the bell

Aphmau: Ok let's go.

Larance:bye guys!

We walk to the office in silence I feel like Laurance is looking at me a look at him he turns back quickly. We get to the office and the guidance consular Dale gives me my schedule and my locker number.

Laurance: We all have the same schedule.

Aphmau: Really that makes high school so much easier I was so scared that I would be alone.

Laurance: And we all have lockers beside eachother guess we all got lucky. heh.. lets go everyone is probably at their locker.

Aphmau: right. ok.

We walk to our lockers everyone I met on the bus was their locker,but there was a girl with red hair who was she?

Note: sorry guys for the short chapter I will make a longer one next time

Anyways bye, Lexy

Laurmau: Phoenix HighWhere stories live. Discover now