Another Day

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"With what, Garroth?" I ask opening my locker again.
"IVY LIKES ME" Garroth says hiding his face.
"Well.....Duh. Everyone knows that."
"OMG APH, SHE'S COMING GOTTA GO" and he took off.
Well that was weird. Ivy walks up to me and slams my locker. Seriously, does everyone have a grudge against my locker? She stares at me for a second. She just...stares. She has that look she has all the time. I call it the 'Don't talk to Ro'meave or I'll kill you' look. She doesn't even have to say anything, I just get it. She struts away then starts running to Garroth. I open my lock again. I grab my history book then I run to class. It's just gonna be another boring day....
After school, I get Laurence to take me home. He needs to get over himself anyways. Plus, I really need to talk to him. He starts his car without saying anything. I still don't get what's with him. KawaiiChan made the shrine, not me. And it's not that I'm made at her for it. I'm mad because Laurence hasn't talked to me since then. He stares at the road with blank expression.
"What's up with you lately?" I finally ask.
"What do you mean?"
"You haven't been talking to me."
".....And you haven't been talking to me." he says.
I don't say anything after that.
"I'm sorry"

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