Just Us (Aphmau)

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We all argue a bit about KC (Kawaii~Chan) being crazy. To be honest i think she is insane. But that's probably just because of the shrine. I'm still pretty mad at Nicole for taking those pictures. I don't think I could walk into school tomorrow without being embarrassed. Girls are gonna think I made that..and call me crazy and obsessed. I walk myself home because I was to embarrassed to ride with him. My phone is blowing up from comments on InstaCraft I think Nicole tagged me in that picture. I read the comment people are saying stuff like "Wow looks like I have some tough competition"  I'm never gonna live this down. This is the worst! Well, I mean I could tell him how I really feel. No! I c-can't do that. Maybe I-I should ask my mom. I get home and I'm greeted by my mom.

Aph: Hey mom, I have this friend...

Mom: "Friend"?

Aph: Y-yeah her name is.......Molly..

Mom: You mean Molly from down the street who's 35?

Aph: N-No a different Molly...Anyways she likes this guy and she doesn't know how to tell him.

Mom: Well if she likes this guy she should just tell him, and if he thinks weird of her she should just tell him to deal with it.

Aph: T-Thanks mom i'll tell her that.


Hey guys! I'm getting kinda bored of this, so it's gonna be ending soon. But don't worry because I'm working on a Garmau FF that's WAY better than this and another Laurmau FF will be coming out shortly. 


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