Could It Be Worse?

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I lock my door and stare down at my phone. Should I text him? Nah! I-I'll just talk to him tomorrow at school..Oh wait. Tomorrow is Saturday. Wait..or was it Sunday?  Oh! Ok! My phone says it's Thursday so tomorrow is Friday. Dang it Aph, get your head straight. Oh God, What time is it? 1;30 a.m. I can't sleep. Send help. I lay there staring at my phone until I finally fall asleep.....



I'm awaken by my stupid alarm. Didn't sleep good at all. I jump out of bed and get dressed. It's already 10:00, and my phone is blown up with InstaCraft notifications. There are STILL comments on the shrine thing. Ughhh I'm gonna get back at Nicole for this. I really don't wanna go to school today. I read some comments like "Wow stay away from her she's crazy"  It's hard trying to ignore it.

"Honey, Are you ready for school?" Mom says opening the door.

"Yeah." I reply.


I open the doors to the school. Laurance walks right passed me not saying anything. Maybe I'll just tell him later.. I hope he doesn't hate me. Why should he hate me? I mean I didn't make the shrine. 


"Oh my Irene.."

"APHMAU~ SENPAI KAWAII~CHAN IS SO SORRY" Kawaii~chan says running at me and squeezing me in a tight hug. 

"Can't......breathe" I gasp and she lets me free. 

"Kawaii~Chan is so so so sorry. No one was supposed to see Kawaii~Chan's shrine."

"Kawaii~Chan It's ok. But why did you have a shrine in the first place?"

"Uhhh Kawaii~Chan thought Laurance~Kun and Aphmau~Senpai made the perfect ship!"

"uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok.. gotta go bye!" I say running to my locker.

Garroth slams my locker door.


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