Phoenix Drop High:The shipping: P.O.V. Laurence

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Emmalyn: I--We have something to tell you

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Emmalyn: I--We have something to tell you.....

Nicole: Can you tell us already.

Travis: Yeah I really wanna know.

Katelyn: yeah me too.

Emmalyn: Ok Ok Kenmur and I are dating.

Cadenza: Oh.

Kenmur: You guys don't looked surpised.

Nicole: That's because we aren't.

Emmalyn: why?

Aphmau: yeah why?

I explain to Aphmau out loud so that everyone can hear me.

Laurence: That's because we knew you guys were perfect for each other, and you guys act like your dating.

Emmalyn: Is it that noticeable.

Kawaii~Chan: Oh only alot...Kawai~Chan has a shrine.



Garroth: Finally it's time to go home WEEKEND HERE I COME *walks to locker*

Jeffery: Well bye guys.

Aphmau: Bye!

I look at Aphmau she looks great purple is her color. I think purple goes great with green- NO LAURENCE YOU CAN'T THINK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT IT'S HER FIRST DAY!

She looks back at me.

Aphmau: well I guess i'm leaving-

Laurence: WAIT!....let me drive you home.

I'm pretty sure Dante, Nicole, Travis, Katelyn, and Cadenza saw that I am SO emaressed Kawaii~Chan is going to put me in a shipping shrine.

Aphmau: You sure?

Laurence: Yeah



It's a good thing Aphmau already walked to her locker so she didn't hear that.

A/N Sorry for the sort chapter there will be a longer one out shortly. Anyways bey,


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