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I wake up on a beautiful Friday morning. It's the last day of school. I was excited to see Laurance, my boyfriend. I smile at the thought, my boyfriend, Laurance. "Aphmau, wake up. Time for school!" my mom yells up the stairs breaking me from my thoughts. I roll out of bed, dizzy at first. In a matter of 20 minutes I get dressed and fix my hair. When I head down stairs, I'm not surprised to see Eric and Katelyn sitting at the table. My new normal isn't normal.
"Good morning sleeping beauty," Katelyn says. I snort at her and take a seat.
"Excited for the trip tomorrow GORLS?" Eric asks.
I lean over to Katelyn and whisper, "Did your dad just meme?" She giggles and returns back to her strawberry puffs and pancakes.
"Yeah Dad, can't wait," she says smiling brightly.
I stare down at my plate of fluffy pancakes, thinking again about-
Katelyn snaps her fingers "Earth to Aphmau."
"Oh, uh," I wipe my face, drool.."So ready for summer."
"This vacay is gonna be lit!" My mom says making us all laugh.
"Katelyn and I should head to school now," I say grabbing my keys from the hook, "Bye mom!"
Katelyn and I get in my car. On our way to school she tries to make conversation. "So," she says. "You and Laureeeeeeeence?" I blush and try to keep my eyes on the road. "Y-yeah," I say "How did you know?"
"Oh, it's all over Instagram."
"What?!?" I shout.
"Yeah did you not know?" She asks. "#CutestCouple"
I find myself blushing again.
We pull in the school parking lot. I take a deep breath and get out. I grab my stuff and head into school. Katelyn takes her own path and I take mine. There's still 10 minutes until the first bell so I decide to go out to the picnic area. I take a seat and one of the tables and take out my book. I read, getting lost in the pages of the most wonderful book in the world.
I think I hear footsteps behind me, but I ignore it. I continue reading. Then, someone touches mu back, I turn around and slap whoever's face it is.
"Ow," Laurene says.
I blush, and cup his face in my hands. "S-sorry I didn't know it was you."
"It's okay," he says.
There's not much to say, so we just stand there for a while. I wonder if he knows about what's apparently all over Instagram. The bell rings and I let go of my breath that I was holding this whole time.
Bois..I am back. Hello. Omg so do you guys remember back in the day when my stories were kinda trash but you still liked them and they got lots of views? Anyways I wanna say thank you for all of the support. So happy that this story has reached 3k views!

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